Stochastic Calculus, Problems and Solutions Flashcards
Define a field F
A field F is a collection (or family) F of subsets of omega satisfying:
- Null set in F
- A in F => A^C in F
- F is closed under finite unions
Define a sigma-algebra F
A sigma-algebra F is a collection (or family) of subsets of omega satisfying:
- Null set in F
- A in F => A^C in F
- F is closed under countable unions
Define a measurable space and a probability space
Measurable Space: pair (omega, F)
Probability Space: triple (omega, F, P)
Define a probability measure P
A probability measure P on a measurable space (omega, F) is a function P -> [0, 1] s.t.:
- P(null set) = 0
- P(omega) = 1
- P(union A_i) = Sum(P(A_i))
Define a filtration F
A collection of sigma-algebras F_t where each set F_s in F_t
Define a real valied R.V. X
A real valued R.V. X is a function X: omega -> R s.t. (w in omega, X(w) < x) in F for each x in R
X is F measurable
State the partial averaging property
For every set A in G:
Int_A E[X|G]dP = int_A XdP
State the formal definition of the conditional expectation
E[X|G] is G measurable
For every A in G, the partial averaging property is satisfied
Compare the Markov Property and the Strong Markov Property
Markov: conditional distribution W_t given filtration F_s depends only on W_s
Strong Markov: Markox, and W_t+s - W_t is independent of F_t
State the requirements for a Standard Wiener Process
- W_0 = 0 and has continuous sample paths
- W_t+s - W_t = N(0, s)
- W_t+s - W_t independent of W_t
State the solution for the Feynman-Kac formula for a one dimensional process
V(X_t, t) = E[phi(X_T)*exp(-int_t^T r(u)du|F_t|)
Define trading strategy
A pair of stochastic processes which are adapted to the filtration F_t to yield a portfolio
Pi_t = phi_tS_t + psi_tB_t
Define self financing trading strategy
dPi_t = phi_tdS_t + psi_tdB_t
Define admissable trading strategy
P(Pi_t >= -alpha) = 1
There must be a lower bound on profit, almost surely
Define a simple contingent claim
A state claim that only pays off in one state
Define a contingent claim
A collection of simple contingent claims
Define attainable contingent claim
A contingent claim is attainable if there exists an admissable strategy Pi_t = Psi(S_T) at exercise T
State the three required conditions for arbitrage
- Pi_0 = 0
- P(Pi_T >= 0) = 1
- P(Pi_T > 0) = 0
Define complete markets
A market is complete if every contingent claim is attainable
The number if attainable simple contingent claims equals the number of possible states