Interest Rate Models, FIS Flashcards
Describe the term structure of interest rates under the Vasicek model
When r_t is low, the Vasicek model implies an increasing term structure
When r_t is high, the Vasicek model implies a decreasing term structure
All point on the term structure move with perfect correlation
- drawback of all one factor models
Describe a method to estimate the real world parameters if the Vasicek model
Sigma - calculate historical volatility
R bar - average short term rate over a sample period
Gamma - slope from regressing changes in the interest rate in r_t*delta
Describe a method for estimating the risk neutral parameters of the Vasicek model
Minimize the pricing errors between the model and the market ZCB prices
Define a relative value trade
A trade that is constructed to exploit a potential arbitrage opportunity when the market prices for interest rate securities are not consistent with the prices implied from an interest rate model
Describe the steps of Monte Carlo simulation for valuing a security
- Simulate M interest rate scenarios
- For each interest rate path, compute the PV of the instrument payoff
- Average the payoffs to obtain the Monte Carlo estimate
Compare Risk Neutral and Risk Natural Monte Carlo simulation
Risk Neutral - pricing interest rate securities Risk Natural - distribution of P&L - value at risk - expected shortfall
Describe two common trends on the risk premium of zero coupon bonds
- Return premium from holding long term ZCBs is typically higher than from holding short term bonds
- For a given maturity, a lower spot rate is associated with a higher risk premium
Describe the intuition behind the real interest rate in the utility function model
Rho - higher value means more utility by consuming today
hg - high growth in economy, borrow more to consume today, higher real rate
1/2h^2sigma_y^2 - when volatility GDP growth is high, higher risk of lower consumption in the future, prompts consumers to save more, decreases real rate
Describe the intuition behind the inflation risk premium in the utility model
When covariance between GDP growth and inflation is negative, a short term nominal investment will be more risky to the investor
Describe the intuition behind the risk neutral interest rate in the utility model
Since covariance between expected inflation and GDP growth is typically negative, the adjustment for risk is generally positive, so the risk neutral rate is higher than the real world rate
The risk neutral rate will increase as risk aversion increases, the covariance becomes more negative, or the mean reversion speed decreases
List steps to derive the term structure parameter for the Ho-Lee model
- Derive the corresponding spot rates from STRIPs
- Interpolate spot rates to obtain a twice differentiable spot rate curve
- Compute the instantaneous forward curve
- Approximate theta using the forward curve
State pros and cons of the Ho-Lee model
- simple and has closed form solutions for many derivatives
- no arbitrage model to replicate market ZCB prices
- short rate is not stationary
- implies flat term structure of volatility
- one factor model assumes all points on the term structure are correlated
Describe pros and cons of the Hull-White model
- no arbitrage model
- has mean reversion, keeps the variation of interest rates bounded
- implies the yields of long term bonds have lower volatility, which is consistent with market data
- has closed form solutions
- interest rates can be negative
- one factor model assumes all points on the term structure are correlated
Describe the impact of the mean reversion speed on the Hull-White model
Higher mean reversion means lower S(), which means lower option price
Higher mean reversion reduces B() and dispersion of interest rates
State a drawback of lognormal models
Hard to find closed forms for bond prices
Compare and contrast flat and forward volatilities
Flat volatility - quoted volatility for every caplet to obtain the market cap price
- same caplet can have a different quoted volatility depending on which cap it is a part of
- simply a quoting convention
Forward volatility - no arbitrage volatility that characterizes a particular caplet
- not dependent on which cap the caplet belongs to
Describe a payer and receiver swap
Payer swap - pay the fixed rate
Receiver swap - receive the fixed rate
State the key property under the forward risk neutral measure
The forward rate is lognormally distributed
State the key assumptions of the LIBOR Market Model
The forward rate is lognormally distributed and follows a lognormal diffusion process under the T-forward risk-neutral dynamics
State the formula for an arbitrary T-forward measure (that may be based on multiple forward rates)
State simplifying assumptions of the volatility function in the LIBOR Market Model
Volatility of forward rates only depends on the time to maturity
Function S(.) is constant on each expiry period of the cap
- Var(r_n) = S_i^2(T_i - t) + S_i-1^2Delta + … + S_1^2*Delta
State the drawback of volatility rates only depending on time to maturity
Model may not be able to fit the term structure of volatilities if they are decreasing very rapidly as a function of time
- will cause S_i^2 < 0, but forward volatilities cannot be negative
State two reasons the LIBOR Market Model is more commonly used than the Heath Jarrow Morton framework
HJM focuses on continuously compounded forward rates, which require additional calculations
- LMM focuses on simply compounded LIBOR-based forward rates, which are traded instruments
The LMM framework is better for pricing complex securities
Define an in-arrears payment
A payment where the payoff is on the same date as the fixing of the reference rate
Outline a methodology for calibrating a two factor Vasicek model to ZCB prices
- Choose proxies for the ST and LT yields
- Fix the volatility of the ST and LT yields to their empirical values
- For convenience, assume phi*_2 = 0
- Search for the set of parameters that minimize the error function
Compare the one factor and two factor Vasicek model ability pies to fit ZCB prices
Two factor does a much better job of matching the term structure
- additional parameters enhance the ability to add curvature
- calibrating second factor mean reversion speed is negative (mean averting, or explosive)
One factor model has difficulty fitting term structures with curvature
- assumes all points on the curve are perfectly correlated
Compare how well interest rate models fit the term structure of spot rate volatilities
One factor Vasicek - not great, one parameter to target volatility of yields
Two factor Vasicek (independent) - good job, more parameter to match ST and LT end of term structure
Two factor Vasicek (correlated) - worse job than 1fV because the optimization also includes the correlation factor
Two factor Hull White - good job
Compare how well interest rate models fit the term structure of spot rate correlations
One factor Vasicek - not good, correlation is a flat line at 100%
Two factor Vasicek (independent) - slightly better, but model correlations still high
Two factor Vasicek (correlated) - even better, but overestimates correlation between short tenor spot rates and the short rate
Two factor Hull White - good job
Describe a yield curve steepener
A derivative security whose payoff is calculated based on two points on the yield curve