Stimulus And Response Flashcards
What is taxes?
Movement that is directed by a stimulus
What is kinesis?
More random movements that are not directed by a stimulus
What are orientation behaviours?
Orientation behaviours allow organisms to move towards favourable environments or away from unfavourable environments
What is positive taxes?
Taxes towards a stimulus
What is negative taxes?
Taxes away from a stimulus
What is phototaxis?
Taxes depending on light
What is chemotaxis?
Taxes depending on chemicals
What is geotaxis/gravitaxis?
Taxes depending on gravity
What is thermotaxis?
Taxes depending on temperature
What are tropisms?
Responses that occur in response to a directional stimulus.
What is a plant tropism?
Response cotnrolled by “plant growth factors”, made by tissues all over the plant, they may be used where they are made or transported within the plant. They usually exert their influence by affecting growth
What do auxins do?
They can move by diffusion from cell to cell, or can be transported long distances via the phloem eg shoots to roots, auxin stimulates cell growth in shoots, auxin inhibits cell growth in roots, IAA is produced in root tip and shoot tips and has different effects on the cell elongation in the different cell types.
What is a phototropisms?
Tropism in shoot only, IAA produced in the cells in the tip of the shoot, uneven light causes IAA to move to the shaded side, higher concentration on shade side causes cell to elongate more compared to the light side differential elongation, shoot bends towards the light
What is gravitropism?
Tropism in roots and shoots, IAA produced in the cells in the tip of the root, gravity causes the IAA to move to lower side of the root and shoot, it causes differential elongation
Higher conc of IAA inhibit cell elongation in roots
Higher conc of IAA stimulate cell elongation in shoots
What is a reflex?
Its an automatic involuntary protective response chain, rapid as it doesnt involve the brain, 3 neurones sensory relay and motor, its a protective response that increases survival
What receptors arbused in the eye?
Light receptors
What receptors are used in the nose?
What receptors are used in the toungue
What receptors are used in the skin?
Temperature, pressure and pain
What type of receptors are used in ears?
Sound and balance
What is the process of a reflex arc?
Stimuli, receptor, sensory neurone, co-ordinater (relay neurone), motor neurone, effecter, response