STI's review Flashcards
what is Chlamydia?
Transmission: Orally, vaginally, rectally, sharing toys
Symptoms: None, discharge, burning during urination, pelvic pain
Diagnosis: Urine, swab
Treatment: One-time dose of oral antibiotics
The most common bacterial infection
what is Gonorrhea?
Transmission: Orally, vaginally, rectally, sharing toys
Symptoms: None, white/yellow discharge, burning, itching
Diagnosis: Urine, swab
Treatment: Oral and injection antibiotics
Often co-diagnosed with chlamydia
what is Syphilis?
Transmission: Orally, vaginally, rectally, sharing toys
Symptoms: Painless genital ulcer, rash, flu-like symptoms
Diagnosis: Swab of the lesion, blood test
Treatment: Course of antibiotics
Syphilis has four stages of progression
what is Herpes?
Transmission: Skin to skin, mouth to genital contact
Symptoms: None, painful and itchy blisters/sores
Diagnosis: Swab of lesion
Treatment: Anti-viral medication to prevent reoccurrence
The virus is widely prevalent, often asymptomatic
what is HIV/AIDS?
Transmission: Direct contact with bodily fluids
Symptoms: Impairment of the immune system
Diagnosis: Blood test
Treatment: Antiretroviral therapy (ART), support, counselling
HIV+ people on ART have life expectancies similar to the general population
what is HPV?
Transmission: Skin to skin, mouth to genital contact
Symptoms: None, genital warts, cancer (cervical, anal, head/neck)
Diagnosis: Inspection/Pap smear
Treatment: Warts – frozen off, cancer – surgical management, the infection may clear spontaneously
Most prevalent STI
what is Hepatitis?
Transmission: Direct contact with bodily fluid
Symptoms: Liver inflammation
Diagnosis: Blood test
Treatment: Supportive therapy, antiviral medication (depending on type)
Vaccinations available for hepatitis A & B; hepatitis C is now curable
what is Trichomoniasis?
Transmission: Genital to genital/anal contact
Symptoms: 70% asymptomatic, itching, discharge
Diagnosis: Cervical mucus swab, penile swab/urine
Treatment: Single dose of antibiotics
Not reportable, can increase HIV susceptibility
what is Pubic Lice and Scabies?
Transmission: Skin-to-skin contact, bedding
Symptoms: Itching, inflammation, crawling sensation
Diagnosis: Magnifying glass to confirm parasites
Treatment: Cream/lotion, shaving