STI Drugs And Symptoms Flashcards
Trachomatis Cause Infection site Spread Symptoms for men Symptoms for women
Infects cervix, urethra, rectum and eyes
Symptoms for Men: asymptomatic in 50%
- White, cloudy penile discharge
- Pain when passing urine (dysuria)
- Pain in testicles
Symptoms for women: asymptomatic in 70%
- vaginal discharge
- itching/sore vulva
- dysuria/abdominal pain
- irregular menstrual bleeding
- bleeding after sex
Trachomatis symptoms for both sexes
Infection in eyes, can cause swelling, pain, irritation, discharge
Treatment of Trachomatis
Single dose Azithromycin 1g
OR 7 days doxycycline 100mg BD
OR 14 days erythromycin 500mg BD
The national chlamydia screening programme may reduce…
- ectopic pregnancy
- epido-orctitis
- sexually-acquired reactive arthiritis (SARA)
Chlamydia risk factors
Age under 25
New sexual partner
Lack of barrier contraception
Chlamydia tests
NAAT - nucleic acid amplification tests - swab or urine, can be done in healthcare setting or in post - e.g. RUClear?
Contact tracing
Partner notification
Treatment of chlamydia
Azithromycin (now a P medicine)
Can be done under PGD
Gonococcal urethritis Cause Infection site Spread Symptoms for men for gonorrhoea Symptoms for women for gonorrhoea
Neisseria gonorrhoeae inflammation/irritation inside urethra rectal, eye, throat infections Symptoms in men: -urethritis -dysuria -inflamed foreskin -white/yellow/green discharge -infection of testicles and epididymidis i.e. Swelling
Symptoms in women:
- infection of the cervix causes:
- white/yellow/green thin/watery vagina discharge
- dysuria
- infection of uterus and fallopian tubes - abdominal pain
Treatment for gonorrhoea
Ceftriaxone 500mg IM + Azithromycin 1g PO single dose
Ceftixime 400mg PO + Azithromycin 1g PO single dose
Cause of non-gonoccal urethritis
-Chlamydia trachomatis - 30-50%
-Ureaplasma urealyticum - 10-30%
-Mycoplasma genitalum - 20%
-Not known - 30%
Therefore treat as chlamydia
Signs and symptoms of non-gonococcal urethritis
Dysuria Penile tip irritation Discharge from penis (clear, creamy, yellow) Sometimes symptom free Same as chlamydia
Causative organism of vaginal discharge for a fungal infection
Candida albicans
Causative organism of vaginal discharge for a protocoal infection
Trichomonas vaginalis
Causative organism of vaginal discharge for a bacterial infection
Gardenerella vaginalis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Non-microorganism causes of vaginal discharge changes
- cervical/uterine cancer
- physical changes e.g. Lost tampon, pregnancy
Bacterial Vaginosis
More common in…
Not exclusively an STI
More common in black women, sexually active, smokers, intrauterine device
Causative organisms: Gardenella vaginalis and other anaerobic bacteria
Caused often by washing away normal vaginal flora, leading to overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria due to increase in pH
Asymptomatic, grey/white discharge, fishy shell, not associated with pain/itching/soreness
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole PO 400mg BD for 7 days
Clindamycin PO 300mg for 7 days
Intravaginal gels: metronidazole, clindamycin
-Transmitted via sex and by sharing towels
-more common in women
Caused by Trichomonas vaginalis (protozoan)
10-50% asymptomatic
-Itchy and sore vulva
-yellow, frothy discharge that smells fishy
-pain during sex
Trichomoniasis treatment
Metronidazole PO 2g single dose OR
Metronidazole BD for 7 days (400mg?)
Treatment failure is common
Genital Herpes
Causative organism
Affected areas
Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2
Affects: mouth/nose, fingers/hands, anus/genitals
-tingling sensation followed by a small fluid filled blisters
-blisters burst to reveal ulcers
-flu-like symptoms
Treatment of genital herpes
Oral aciclovir 200mg 5 times/day for 5 days, started as soon as prodromal symptoms become apparent
Topical aciclovir 5% cream applied 5 times a day for 5 days, first bout may take 2-4 weeks to heal (highly infectious at this time) may need prophylactic therapy
Treponema pallidum
Transmission via direct contact with infected lesion
Symptoms of primary syphilis and the time period
0-90 days post infection
- painless, highly infective ulcer at site of infection (chancre)
- lymphoidenopathy
- heals without treatment in 2-6 weeks
Symptoms of secondary syphilis and time period
Still infective until when?
4-10 weeks
-Non-irridating rash on chest, back, palms of hands and soles of feet
-lymph node enlargement
-wart-like growths
Symptoms can resolve w/o treatment - latent
Sexually infectious until 2 years after secondary syphilis