deck_5464228 Flashcards
Two branches of the autonomic nervous system and what kind of receptors lie there
Sympathetic- noradrenaline Parasympathetic - acetylcholine
Adrenal Medulla
Adrenaline (epinephrine)which is under he sympathetic nervous system
Adenoreceptors modulate the “fight or flight” response. Name 9 examples of tissues where they can act
-Blood vessels-heart-Lungs-GI tract-Salivary glands-bladder-genitalia-eyes-sweat glands
Name 3 adrenoreceptors
Alpha1, alpha2beta1, beta2, beta3
Functional responses of alpha1 adrenoceptors
-GPCR - Galphaq-Increases Ca2+ concentration via..activating phospholipase C–>IP3-vasoconstriction (increase BP)-Contraction of visceral smooth muscle e.g. bladder sphincter, uterus, iris radial muscle, seminal tract, pilomotor muscles -Relax GI tract
Define seminal tract
Secrete semen
Define pilomotor muscles
Contraction of the smooth muscle of the skin caused by mild application of a tactile stimulus or by local cooling and resulting in goose bumps
Functional response of alpha2 adrenoceptors
-Decrease in noradrenaline and acetylcholine transmitter release -Decrease in insulin release-GPCR Galphai activates adenylyl cyclase-causes reduction in cAMP-Decrease in Protein kinase A
Functional response of beta1 adrenoceptors in the HeartKidneyAdipocytes
Binds GPCR Galphasactivates adenylyl cyclaseincrease in cAMPincrease in protein kinase A hence:Heart - Increase heart rate (SA node) and increase force of contraction Kidney - release of renin Adipocytes - activates lipolysis
Describe what renin is
Hormone that affects:-Na reabsorption -angiotensin 2-vasoconstrictor
Functional response of beta2 adrenoceptors
GPCR Galpha2sactivates adenylyl cyclase increase in cAMPincrease PKA Bronchodilation-vasodilation (sk muscle) very little change in BP -relax visceral smooth muscle -bladder -detrusor muscle-uterus-ciliary muscle-seminal tact-muscle tremor -glcogenolysis
Define detrusor muscle
Muscle that forms layer of wall in the bladder
Define ciliary muscle
muscle in the eyeforms part of the ciliary body
Name an alpha1 agonist
Name an alpha2 agonist
Name a beta1 agonist
Name a beta2 agonist
Name an agonist that works on both alpha1 and alpha2 receptors
Name an agonist that works on both beta1 and beta2 receptors
Name an agnoist compound that work on alpha1, alpha2 and beta1 adrenoreceptors
Name an agnoist that works on alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2 receptors (all 4)
Name an alpha1 antagonist for adrenoreceptors
Name an alpha2 antagonist for adrenoceptors
Yohimbine (not in clinical use)
Name a beta1 antagonist for adrenoceptors