Stewart Flashcards
Communication with children
Actual words, tone and non verbal
Positive reinforcement
Break everything in small steps
Give positive feedback throughout the session
Immediately after good behavior-verbal praise, positive tone modification
Ignore negative -avoid negative reinforcement
Tell, show do
Backbone of paediatric dentistry
Most useful in low anxiety pt
Tell- age appropriate explanation of the procedures, appropriate terminology
Show- demonstrate and let pt feel and touch things we will use, avoid unsheathed needs and high speed
Do-perform the action, positive reinforcement, communication techniques
Treatment planning in children
They have short attention span
Treatment to be broken down in manageable elements
Let them know what are you doing
Features of primary dentation
Incisor spacing
Anthropoid spaces- upper BC, lower CD
Mesio buccal cusp of upper E is in the buccal groove of lower E
Increased MID width of lower E
flush distal plane-both upper an flower Es finish at the same place
Leeway space
Permanent successors to EDC are smaller than the primary teeth
Upper arch- 1.5 mm
Lower arch- 2.5 mm
This space allows first permanent molars to drift mesially and adopt class I occlusion
Difference between primary and permanent teeth
Primary are smaller, whiter, thinner enamel, more bubous molars, wider contact points, bigger pulp to crown ratio, large pulp horns, bigger root to crown ratio, roots splayed
In primary dentition- Equal in F and M, up to 1%
Permanent dentition - 3.5-6.5%, 4 times more in F than M, bigger chance is hypodontia in primary
Most common- 8,2,5
Associated with cleft, Down, ectodermal dysplasia (fine hair, dry skin, no sweat glands, perioral pigmentation, teeth small and conical and hypodontia)
In primary dentition -0.2-0.8%
In permanent dentition - 1.5-3%
2 times more in male than female
5times more in maxilla than mandible
75% in upper anterior region
As ca. Be retained
Types: conical (in shape, round roots and mainly in midline), tuberculate (rarely erupt, more than one cusp, need surgical removal), supplemental(duplication of permanent tooth, most common laterals, 5s, 3rd molars), odontome( tumours of odontogenic origin, made of odontogenic tissue, can develop is other areas of the body, compound odontomes-resamble the tooth, can be diffuse mass of disorganized tissue- complex odontome)
Problems arising from supernumerary -no eruption, delayed eruption, rotation or displacement, dilaceration of the root, resorption of surrounding teethz formation of cysts)
Primary dentition -0.2-0.5%
Permanent dentition -2%
More in female than male
Usually upper lateral incisor
Can be linked with hypodontia
Treatment is usually crown or xla
Accessory cusp
Unknown frequency in primary dentition
Permanent dentition -10-60%
Usually on upper 1 and 2-palatal
Or D-mb cusp
E-mp cusp
Or 6-mp cusp
Treatment options:
Fissure sealants
If in occlusal interference -selective grinding or section and pulpotomy
Invagination (dens in dente)
Primary dentition -1%
Permanent dentition -1-5%
Twice more in male than female
Treatment options:
Fissure sealants, RCT, XLA
Permanent molars-6% frequency
Increased pulp chamber vertically
Long crown, short roots
Treatment -nil
Mainly 6s and 1s
Treatment -
Incisors- microabrasion and composite
6s-Seal/ PMC/onlays or XLA
Due to high F- in water (more than 1-2 ppm) or F- ingestion
Presentation- mottling and hypoplasia
Treatment - nil or microabrasion
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Genetic origin
Affects both primary and permanent dentition
1:14000 prevelance
Different types -hypoplastic, hypomineralised or mixed
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Genetic origin alone or in association with osteogenesis imperfecta
1:18 000 prevelance
Presentation- blue/gray enamel, enamel loss, dentine attrition, pulp exposure
On radiographs- bulbous crowns, short thin roots, large pulps
Treatment options -PMC or XLA
Premature eruption
Natal teeth-present at birth
Neo natal- erupt in first month of life
Treatment -leave and reassure/if risk of inhalation-XLA
Reasons for delayed eruption
Premature loss of primary precursor
Downs syndrome
Infra occluded primary molars
Often associated with missing primary premolars
Primary molars ankylose and fail to alter position
If successor is present- leave to exfoliate
If no permanent successor-composite onlay
National dental inspection programme
In P1 and P7 (5,12 years)
They will check dmft as well
Care index in paeds
The care index is a measure of the percentage of decay that has been treated
Scottish index of multiple deprivation
1-most deproved
5-least deprived
Benefits of diagnosing early caries
First-prevention is key (standard and enhanced)
To arrest the caries and to have smaller restorations
Visual diagnosis
Clean and dry
Exam all surfaces
Probe-not pits and fissures
Remove debris only
Record ICDAS
ICDAS caries codes
0 sound
1 first visual changes in enamel
2 distinct visual change in ename
3 enamel breakdown, no dentine visible
4 underlying dental shadow (not cavitated in dentine)
5 distinct cavity with visible dentine
6 extensive distinct cavity with visible dentine
Frequently of radiographs
High caries risk in both dentition-6-12 months
Low caries risk in primary dentition -every 12-18 months
Low caries in permanent dentition -every 24 months