Steroids Flashcards
Where in the body do steroids work?
Cell membranes and cell signalling- anti inflammatory agents
What are natural steroids found in the body?
Cholesterol testosterone and oestrogen
What drugs are examples of steroids?
*dexamethasone, betamethasone, prednisolone, hydrocortisone, beclametasone
What is the general structure of a steroid?
- 3 cyclohexane rings
- 1 cyclopentane ring
Variation due to different functional groups attached
What is the role of cholesterol in the body?
*Membrane fluidity and permeability- Increased cholesterol=decreased permeability due to increased packing density
*precursor for biosynthesis of cellular constituents (vit D and hormones)
What is steroidgenesis?
Biological process where steroid HORMONES are generated from cholesterol
Cleaved and modified by CYP450
What is the function of steroid hormones in the body?
*produced in adrenal cortex
*regulate immune function, stress response and metabolism
Eg cortisol, aldosterone
*produced in overuse, testes, adrenal gland
Eg testosterone, est radios and progesterone
How do steroids work as anti inflammatorys?
Reduce production of inflammatory mediators- cytokines
How do steroids work as immunosuppressive drugs?
Alter immune cell functioning
What steroids are used to treat asthma?
*beclometasone diproprionate
*fluticasone proprionate
How does dexamethasone work as an anti inflammatory?
*reduces vasodilation and permeability of vessels
*regulates gene expression
*dampens immune cell activation
Why does dexamethasone work in severe cases of Covid-19 ?
*will need mechanical ventilation- up-regulates ACE2 expression allowing virus entry into cells
*dexamethasone blocks pathway avoiding increased ACE2 expression and thus reduces viral entry
What is the MOA of steroids?
*glucocorticoid + gluco receptor
*binding displaces chaperones (HSP90)
*steroid- receptor complex can form a dimer- enter nucleus
*1. Cause transcription/translation of IkB (binds to SRE on genes and acts as transcription factor)
-inhibits NFkB (a pro inflammatory to produce cytokines)
*2. Directly interact with NFkB (p50:p65) to suppress cytokine synthesis (eg TNF)
*3. Promote production of anti inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10
*4. Promote apoptosis of T cells and macrophages
-reduce B cell antibody production
-reduce expression of cell surface molecules important for T cell activation
*5. Increase transcription of lipocortins
-suppress COX expression
-reduced production of ecosanoids
Where are most steroid inhalers excreted?
What is the main glucocorticoid secreted by adrenal cortex?
(Used as emergency in asthma)