Sterility and Asepsis Flashcards
Why can Sterility test be inadequate ?
It only assures that part of the batch sampled is sterile
Sterility testing relies on assurance that the batch was produced under homogenous conditions. TRUE or FALSE
When conducting a sterility test, the sample used should be representative of the whole batch. TRUE or FALSE
What does the GMP state about Sterility test ?
Sterility test is applied to the finished product as the last step in a series of controlled measures by which sterility is assured. The test should be validated for the products concerned
Sterility tests should include samples from parts of the batch particularly at risk. TRUE or FALSE
In filled containers, at what point are samples particularly at risk ?
At the beginning and end of the batch
During heat sterilisation, at what point are samples particularly at risk ?
During the coolest part of the process. Therefore samples should be taken from the coolest part of the load
State the most common sterility test used ?
BP Sterility test (adopted by the European Pharmacopoeia)
The BP Sterility test is incredibly complex and requires dedicated facilities such as ?
- Grade A laminar airflow cabinet in Grade B environment
- Expensive machinery
(- Often automated as of recent)
Name the 2 methods used in BP Sterility testing. Which is preferred ?
1) Membrane Filtration (Preferred method)
2) Direct Innoculation
During membrane filtration, the product is filtered through a 20mm disc. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. It is filtered through a 50mm disc
During membrane filtration, the culture media should be incubated for at least hoe many days ?
Specify at which temperatures for bacteria and fungi
7 days
30-35 degree celcius for Aerobic and Anaerobic bacteria
20-25 degree celcius for Fungi
During Direct Innoculation, the product is filtered into the culture media. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. The product id transferred directly into the culture media
Direct Innoculation allows for the sample of dry products such as powders for injections and dressings. TRUE or FALSE
Direct Innoculation can be used for liquid products although what needs to occur in order for the process to work ?
The liquid must be at least 10x dilute