Steps in the consumer buying decision process Flashcards
Step 1
Need recognition: Consumers realized they have an unsatisfied need.
Needs can be simple or difficult
Step 2
Cust. Looks for information to satisfy that need
Step 3
Evaluation stage. Assessing the various options and chooses the best
Step 4
Obtaining and using the product
step 5
Postpurchase stage, determination about satisfaction
Actual rather than potential customers
Stp 1 Functional needs
Performance of a product or services
Stp 2 Psychological needs
Personal gratification associate with a product or services
Stp 2 Internal search for information
Customer evaluates his memory and experience
Stp 2. External search for information
Outside his personal knowlegde.. Social media and google
Stp3 . Retrieval set
Those brands and stores can retrieve my memory
Stp3. Evoked set
include only the brand that a customer consider when making a purchase decision
stp. 3 evaluate criteria
Consist of a set of attributes about a particular product use to compare different criteria
stp 3. Determined attributes
Products feature important to the buyer
stp3 . Consumer decisions rules
Set of criteria consumer to quickly and efficiently from among several alternatives
stp 3. Compensatory decision rule
When the consumer is evaluating alternatives and trade-off one characteristic against other