Step Review 2: Musculo, Respiratory, Renal, Hem Onc Flashcards
Which parts of the femur do the ACL and PCL originate from?
ACL: lateral condyle
PCL: medial condyle
What is the unhappy triad? Why is it slightly misleading?
ACL, MCL and medial meniscus tear. The lateral meniscus is more commonly injured
What bursa gets inflamed from excessive kneeling?
Prepatellar bursa (e.g. tile layer)
What bursa does a Baker cyst involve?
Gastrocnemius/semimembranosus bursa
Name the rotator cuff muscles and their innervations
Supraspinatus: suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus: suprascapular nerve
teres minor: axillary nerve
Subscapularis: upper and lower subscapular nerves
Which is closer to the thumb: scaphoid or trapezium?
Between the trapezium, trapezoid, and triquetrum, which is in the proximal layer of wrist bones and which in the distal layer is most lateral?
Triquetrum is proximal (“try), trapezium is more lateral (thumb side)
Dislocation of which wrist bone may cause carpal tunnel syndrome? What might cause bilateral carpal tunnel?
Lunate, dialysis-related amyloidosis
Is sensation compromised in carpal tunnel?
No, the palmar cutaneous branch enters the hand external to the carpal tunnel.
Which ligament is cut to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?
Transverse carpal ligament
What nerve does sensation over the lateral arm? Lateral forearm?
Lateral arm= axillary
Lateral forearm= musculocutaneous
What specific branch of the median nerve supplies the thumb?
The recurrent branch
What nerve supplies sensation to the posterior, medial hand?
Ulnar nerve, radial only does the radial side (e.g. opposite of median)
On the posterior hand, does the radial or median nerve do the tips of the thumb side fingers?
Which nerve causes a winged scapula?
Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)
What is klumpke palsy? How does an adult get it typically?
Total claw hand due to traction/tear of lower trunk of brachial plexus. Typically grabbing a tree branch on the way by or something similar
What is the action of lumbricals?
Extend DIP, PIP and flex MCP
What is compressed in thoracic outlet syndrome? Where?
Lower trunk of brachial plexus and subclavian vessels (scalene triangle)
What nerve might be injured if the arm cannot be abducted above the horizontal position?
Long thoracic nerve, serratus anterior, winged scapula
Injury when you see foot drop and loss of sensation on dorsum of foot? Where is the injury likely?
Common perineal (fibular), fibular neck
What nerve and muscle can result in trendelenurg sign/gait? Which side is injured relative to the sign
Superior gluteal nerve to the gluteus medius, lesion is on the opposite side that the lower hip is on
Which nerve everts the foot? Which inverts?
Peroneal everts, tibial inverts
What is a good landmark for pudendal nerve anesthesia?
Ischial spine
What artery is associated with the axillary nerve at the surgical neck of the humerus?
Posterior circumflex artery
What artery is associated with the long thoracic nerve?
Lateral thoraci artery
Where would you find the tibial nerve and artery at the ankle?
Posterior to the medial malleolus (tom, dick, and harry)
Describe the T-tubules and terminal cistern in skeletal and cardiac muscle
Skeletal: triad- 1 t-tubule+ 2 terminal cisternae
Cardiac: dyad- 1 t-tubule+ 1 terminal cisterna
What receptor at the sarcoplasmic reticulum is voltage-sensitive?
Dihydropyridine (it is coupled with the ryanodine receptor)
What causes the muscle power stroke?
Release of bound ADP and Pi by myosin
Which bands shorten in muscle contraction?
H band and I band (also distance between Z lines)
What amino acid is needed to synthesize arginine?
Is phosphorylated or dephosphorylated smooth muscle myosin actively contracting?
What type of bone formation is responsible for the base of the skull? Calvarium? Facial bones?
Base of the skull (and long bones): endochondral
Calvarium and facial bones: membranous ossification
Where do osteoblasts come from (cell line)?
Mesenchyme in periosteum
Why do achondroplasia patients have a large head relative to limbs? Genetic defect? What happens to homozygotes?
Because endochondral formation is affected and intramembranous ossification is not. Activating mutation of FGFR3. Homozygosity is lethal (AD)
What lab values are telling of osteoporosis? What part of the bone is lost?
None, labs are normal. Cortical and trabecular thinning
What is denosumab?
Monoclonal antibody against RANK-L
What mutation can cause osteopetrosis? What happens to the bone marrow? Tx?
Defective osteoclasts possibly caused by a carbonic anhydrase II mutation. The bone marrow may be filled in causing pancytopenia and extra medullary hematopoiesis. BMT is potentially curative as osteoclasts are derived from monocytes
What lab finding will you see in osteomalacia/rickets?
Increased osteoblast activity: increase in ALP (also typically low vitamin D)
What stage is first in Paget disease? What are two feared complications?
Osteoclastic. Arteriovenous malformations in new bone may cause high output heart failure. It also increases osteosarcoma risk
What artery is responsible for AVN of the femoral head?
Medial circumflex femoral artery
Soap-bubble appearance tumor. Where is it? What cell type?
Giant cell tumor. Typically epiphyseal end of long bones. ONLY EPIPHYSEAL TUMOR. Osteoclastoma/ multinucleate giant cells
What part of the bone do you expect to see osteosarcoma in? Ewing sarcoma?
Osteosarc: metaphysis
Ewing: diaphysis
What tumor is associated with onion skin periosteal reaction in bone? Mutation?
Ewing: t(11:22) (EWS-FLI-1)
What HLA is associated with RA? Antibodies? What is RF?
HLA-DR4, anti-CCP and RF( IgM to Fc of IgG)
Is osteoarthritis symmetric? Is RA?
RA is, osteoarthritis is not
How long must morning stiffness last in RA?
More than 1 hour
Does osteoarthritis or RA affect DIP?
What would the histology of a rheumatoid nodule show?
Fibrinoid necrosis with palisading histiocytes
What is Caplan syndrome?
RA + pneumoconiosis
Which glycogen storage disease can cause gout?
What is the composition of pseudo gout crystals?
Calcium pyrophosphate
What finding in the joint, besides crystals is relatively specific for pseudo gout?
Antibodies with Sjogren syndrome? Late enlarging parotid gland concern?
SS-A (anti-Ro), SS-B (anti-La)
MALT lymphoma
Triad with gonococcal arthritis?
Polyarthralgias, tenosynovitis, dermatitis
What are seronegative spondyloarthritis examples (4). What HLA? What does seronegative mean?
PAIR: Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Reiters/Reactive
HLA-B27, no RF
Pencil in cup deformity of DIP on x-ray
Psoriatic arthritis
Heart problem associated with ankylosing spondylitis?
aortic regurgitation
Most common and severe renal involvement with Lupus?
Diffuse proliferative
Most common cause of death in lupus?
Cardiovascular disease
Which antibodies suggest poor prognosis with SLE?
Anti-dsDNA (renal disease)
Antihistone antibodies are sensitive for what?
Drug induced lupus
Recurrent thrombosis, spontaneous abortion in autoimmune patient? Necessary lab?
Antiphospholipid syndrome (lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin, or anti-beta2 glycoprotein antiboidies)
anti-U1 RNP antibodies?
What finding will be in a sarcoid patient bronchoalveolar lavage fluid sample?
Elevated CD4+/CD8+ ratio
Treatment for a 20-50 yr old woman with widespread chronic MSK pain, poor sleep, stiffness, cognitive disturbances.
Fibromyalgia: TCAs, SNRIs, regular exercise, anticonvulsants
Antibodies in polymyositis/dermatomyositis?
anti-Jo (anti-histidyl tRNA), anti-SRP, anti-Mi-2
What type of cells and muscle inflammation are associated with polymyositis? Dermato?
Dermato: CD 4+ perimysial inflammation
Poly: Endomysial CD8+ inflammation
Both are progressive symmetric proximal muscle weakness
Fingertip pitting is associated with what?
What is the most common cause of death with scleroderma?
Pulmonary sclerosis
Antibodies with scleroderma and CREST?
Scleroderma: anti-Scl-70 (anti DNA topoisomerase I)
CREST: anti-centromere
Color change in raynaud? What is raynaud syndrome vs. disease? Tx?
White to blue to red. Syndrome is secondary to a disease process, disease if primary. Tx with CCBs
Which layer of the epidermis has stem cells? What enzyme activity will be high here?
Stratum basale- telomerase
What filaments give desmosomes support?
Cytokeratin and desmoplakin
What forms adherens junctions? Significance of these junctions?
Cadherins connecting actin cytoskeletons of adjacent cells. Loss of E-cadherins promotes metastasis
What is the function of integrins? What do they bind to?
Maintain integrity of basolateral membrane by binding to COLLAGEN (via fibronectin) and LAMININ in the basement membrane
What is hyperkeratosis? What is parakeratosis?
Hyperkeratosis is thickening of the stratum corneum while parakaratosis is hyperkeratosis with retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum
Where is the edematous fluid in spongiosis?
Epidermis (intercellular spaces)
Difference in albinism and vitiligo?
Albinism is a inability to produce melanin (normal melanocyte number), vitiligo is a decrease in melanocyte number due to autoimmune destruction
What is another name for atopic dermatitis? What will you see in the serum? Location on body?
Eczema. increased IgE. On face in infants, then in antecubital fossae
Acanthosis with parakeratotic scaling and small microabscesses
What layers are thickened in psoriasis? Decreased?
Corneum and spinosum are increased and the granulosum is decreased
Inflammatory facial skin with erythema and no comedones. May be associated with facial flushing in response to external stimuli like alcohol or heat.
What causes hives/urticaria? Where is the edema (fluid)?
Mast cell degranulation, fluid is in the superficial DERMIS
What cancer is associated with vinyl chloride and arsenic exposures?
Hepatocellular angiosarcoma
How do you distinguish between bacillary angiomatosis and kaposi sarcoma?
BA: neutrophilic infiltrate
Kaposi: lymphocytic infiltrate
What should you consider in an ulcerative/bleeding mouth lesion in a pregnant woman?
Pyogenic granuloma (it’s benign even though it looks nasty)
Which has well defined borders? Erysipelas or cellulitis?
What layers of skin are involved in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome? TEN/SJS?
SSSS: Destroyed keratinocyte attachments in GRANULOSUM only (Nikolsky sign)
TEN/SJS: dermal-epidermal junction
Treatment for dermatitis herpetiformis?
Dapsone, gluten free diet
What percent of the body must be involved for it to be classified TEN? SJS?
TEN: >30%
What type of cancer can actinic keratosis evolve into?
What is inflammatory lesions of subcutaneous fat, usually on anterior shins?
Erythema nodosum
Pruritic, purple, polygonal, planar, papules and plaques. What does mucosal involvement look like? Association? Histology?
Lichen Planus, mucosal involvement is Wickham striae
Sawtooth infiltrate of lymphocytes at dermal-epidermal junction. Associated with hepatitis C
“Christmas tree distribution” rash on trunk
Pityriasis rosea (regresses in 6-8 weeks)
What type of radiation causes sunburn? Tanning and photo aging?
UVB= sunBurn
UVA=tAnning and photoAging
Pink pearly nodules with telangiectasias,rolled borders and central crusting or ulceration.
Basal cell carcinoma
Which skin cancer has palisading nuclei?
Keratin pearls skin cancer? What does it look like grossly?
SCC, ulcerative red lesions with frequent scale
What do you suspect in a rapidly growing skin cancer that has a large keratin filled center?
Keratoacanthoma- a SCC variant that grows rapidly and may spontaneously regress over months
What mutation is often associated with melanoma? What drug targets this mutation?
BRAF V600E (kinase) vemurafenib is a BRAF kinase inhibitor
What is a PGI2 drug? PGE1? PGE2? What are PGE2 agonists used for?
PGI2= epoprostenol PGE1= alprostadil PGE2= dinoprostone, carboprost to increase uterine tone
What acid base disorder is caused by aspirin toxicity?
Mixed metabolic acidosis-respiratory alkalosis (resp. all early)- note also causes tinnitus
What is the effect of NSAIDs on stomach and kidney? How?
Gastric ulcer since PGs protect gastric mucosa and renal ischemia since PGs vasodilator afferent arteriole
Leflunomide MOA
Reversibly inhibits dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, preventing pyrimidine synthesis
What are bisphosphanates analogs of? What do they do?
Pyrophosphate, bind hydroxyapetite in bone, inhibiting osteoclast activity
Odd side effects of bisphosphonates?
Esophagitis, osteonecrosis of the jaw, atypical stress fractures
What is teriperatide?
Recombinant PTH
What does pegloticase do?
Pegloticase: catalyzes uric acid metabolism to allantoin (water-soluble)
Probenecid: prevents reabsorption of uric acid in PCT, also inhibits penicillin secretion (can cause uric acid caliculi)
What is infliximab? Adalimumab?
Both are anti-TNF-alpha monoclonal antibodies
What is related to most achondroplasia mutations?
Sporadic and related to increased paternal age
What causes blue sclerae in OI?
Thinning of scleral collagen reveals underlying choroidal veins
What renal problems are associated with osteopetrosis?
Renal tubular acidosis (decreased carbonic anhydrase II results in decreased reabsorption of HCO3-
What causes frontal bossing in Rickets?
Osteoid deposition on the skull
What can possibly cause the onset of Paget disease of bone?
Viral infection such as paramyxovirus
Does Paget disease involve the entire skeleton?
No, it is a localized process
Bone pain plus systemic signs of infection
What are sequestrum and involucrum?
Sequestrum is bone abscess and involucrum is the sclerosis around it in osteomyelitis
What is Gardner syndrome? Where are the tumors?
FAP +osteomas (face) and fibromatosis
What are the two main differences in osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma?
O-O: cortex of long bone and presents as bone pain that RESOLVES WITH ASPIRIN
Osteoblastoma is larger, arises in the vertebrae and presents as bone pain that does NOT RESPOND TO ASPIRIN
Most common benign tumor of bone?
Osteochondroma (stalk)
Where do osteosarcomas arise?
Metaphysis of long bones
What cell line do Ewing Sarcomas arise from?
Where do benign cartilage tumors typically originate? Malignant?
Benign: periphery
Malignant: central
What metastatic tumor to bone will produce an OSTEOBLASTIC lesion?
Prostate carcinoma
What is the major risk factor for osteoarthritis?
What histology does a rheumatoid nodule resemble?
Caseating granuloma
What are two extra-articular manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis?
Uveitis and aortitis (leads to aortic regurgitation)
Sausage fingers or toes?
Psoriatic arthritis
What might cause dermatomyositis?
It can be a paraneoplastic syndrome (e.g. gastric carcinoma)
If you hear lipoblast cell in a soft tissue situation, what should you think?
What is cardiac rhabdomyoma associated with?
Tuberous sclerosis
Cluster of grapes in young girl vagina?
Rhabdomyosarcoma (sarcoma botryoides)
What type of HSR is eczematous dermatitis?
Also called atopic dermatitis (type 1 HSR)
What type of glands are in acne? Name and classification
Sebaceous glands, holocrine
What does propionibacterium acnes do in sebaceous glands?
Produces lipase’s that break down sebum, releasing pro inflammatory fatty acids
How do benzoyl peroxide and isotretinoin treat acne?
Decrease keratin production
What layer of the skin do you see Munro micro abscesses in?
Sawtooth appearance of dermal epidermal junction. Association?
Lichen planus, Chronic hep. C
Targetoid rash and bullae, most common association? What if it has oral mucosa/lip involvement and fever?
Erythema multiforme, HSV, SJS
What is an odd risk factor for squamous cell carcinoma of the skin?
Immunosuppression (also AK, Arsenic)
What causes a freckle (ephelis)?
Increased number of melanosomes (not melanocytes)
What is the most common type of mole in adults? Where do nevi begin?
Intradermal, begin at dermal-epidermal junction (junctional)
Most important prognostic factor in predicting melanoma metastasis?
Depth of extension
What is formed in pseudo glandular phase of lung development? Canalicular? Saccular? When is respiration capable?
Pseudoglandular: terminal bronchioles
Canalicular: respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts (respiration possible here at 25 weeks)
Saccular: terminal sacs
What is the function of club cells?
Degrade toxins, act as reserve cells.
What is the relationship between radius and collapsing pressure? How does surfactant alter the collapsing pressure?
Increased radius means decreased collapsing pressure.
Surfactant decreases surface tension which decreases collapsing pressure
What is the L:S ratio in a lung that is healthy? What is the most important lecithin?
L:S >2 is healthy, the most important in surfactant is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
What dos the foam stability index test measure?
Surfactant levels/ fetal lung maturity
What is a major complication of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome?
Necrotizing entercolitis
What three things can therapeutic O2 supplementation cause in a newborn?
Retinopathy of prematurity, Intraventricular hemorrhage, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Where does cartilage end? Goblet cells? Smooth muscle? Cilia?
Cartilage and goblet cells to end of bronchi
Smooth muscle to end of terminal bronchioles
Cilia terminate in respiratory bronchioles
What is the difference in lung volumes and capacities?
Volumes are non-overlapping, capacities are the sums of multiple lung volumes
Normal tidal volume and dead space volume?
What are alveolar, intrapleural, and airway pressures at FRC?
Alveolar and airway are 0 (no air moving), intrpleural pressure is negative (~-5)
What happens to lung compliance in normal aging?
Increases (e.g. COPD)
Which form of hemoglobin has high affinity for O2? Low?
Taut has low (deoxygenated), relaxed has high
What causes the difference in O2 affinity with fetal hemoglobin?
Decreased affinity for 2,3 BPG (higher affinity for O2 so it can be stolen from mom)
Chocolate colored blood. What is it? Can it be useful? Treatment?
Methemoglobinemia (Fe3+ that doesn’t bind O2)
Can be used to treat cyanide poisoning (nitrites followed by thiosulfate) because it has a higher affinity for CN than normal hemoglobin
Tx: Methylene blue and Vitamin C
What does caroxyhemoglobin do to Hb saturation curve?
Left shift (increased O2 affinity and won’t let go)
What poisoning can give a burnt almond smell?
When might oxygen demonstrate diffusion limited exchange? Will CO2 ever do this?
Fibrosis, emphysema (normally perfusion limited), no CO2 is never diffusion limited
What is the normal A-a gradient?
10-15 mmHg
Is V/Q ratio normally perfusion or ventilation driven?
Perfusion driven (V/Q is higher at apex and lower at base due to gravitational effects on blood flow)
Does 100% O2 help with V/Q of 0? What about infinity?
0=airway obstruction–> O2 doesn’t help
infinity=blood obstruction–> O2 does help
How is most CO2 transported in plasma?
As bicarbonate (90%)
Is Cl- higher in venous circulation or arterial? Why?
Arterial. At peripheral tissue, HCO3- produced in RBCs from the CO2 that it just picked up. This HCO3- is transported out of the cell in exchange for a chloride ion
What kind of acid-base disturbance is seen with moving to high altitude?
Respiratory alkalosis since ventilation increases to try to compensate for the lower oxygen in the air
How do PaCO2 and PaO2 change with exercise?
They don’t but venous CO2 content and O2 content do change
What sinus is typically involved in rhinosinusitis? Where does it drain? Most common cause?
Maxillary sinus that drains into middle meatus. Most common cause is viral URI which may cause superimposed bacterial infection
The sphenopalatine artery is a branch of what artery?
What is the virchow triad?
Stasis, Hyper-coagulability, Endothelial damage
Imaging test of choice for DVT?
Compression ultrasound
Do you see lines of Zahn in thrombi formed before or after death? What are the lines?
pink=fibrin/platelets, red=RBCs
What is the classic triad of fat emboli?
Hypoxemia, neurologic abnormalities, petechial rash
Does high or low V/Q ratio cause problems in PE?
Low. Although the PE directly causes a high V/Q, it indirectly causes a low V/Q in the areas where blood is shunted. The oxygenation cannot keep up with the blood flow to these areas.
What is the Reid index? What is it in chronic bronchitis?
Thickness of mucosal gland layer to thickness of wall between epithelium and cartilage (>50%)
Describe centriacinar and panacinar emphysema
Centriacinar: smoking, upper lobes,
Panacinar: alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, lower lobes
What are Curschmann spirals and Charcot-Leyden Crystals formed from?
Curschmann: shed epithelium
Crystals: breakdown of eosinophils in sputum
What test helps diagnose asthma? What cardiac finding accompanies it?
Methacholine challenge, pulsus paridoxicus
Scoliosis and obesity can lead to what type of lung disease?
What type of HSR is hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
HSR types III and IV
Golden-brown fusiform rods resembling dumbbells (iron)
Asbestos bodies (ferruginous bodies)
Looks like sarcoid except the person works in aerospace industry and has less systemic symptoms
What pneumoconiosis increases TB susceptibility? How?
Silicosis by disrupting phagolysosomes and impairing macrophages
Eggshell calcification of hilar lymph nodes
What is the first step in ARDS? What cells are responsible for the initial damage?
Endothelial damage due to release of neutrophilic substances toxic to alveolar wall
At what pressure can we diagnose pulmonary HTN?
> 25 mm Hg at rest for mean pulmonary artery pressure
Arteriosclerosis, medial hypertrophy and intimal fibrosis of pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary Hypertension
What mutation can cause heritable PAH? What random bug can cause PAH?
inactivating mutation in BMPR2 gene (normally inhibits vascular smooth muscle proliferation). Schistosomiasis
When is fremitus over the lungs increased?
Consolidation such as lobar pneumonia
Milky appearing pleural effusion is from what?
Thoracic duct injury from trauma or malignancy (contains TGs)
Empiric treatment for lung abscess?
Where are aspiration abscesses when: patient is supine, upright?
Supine: posterior right upper lobe or superior right lower lobe
Upright: basal right lower lobe
Is cytokeratin positive in mesothelioma? Carcinoma? What about calretinin?
Cytokeratin and calretinin are positive in almost all mesotheliomas and negative in most carcinomas.
Is smoking a mesothelioma risk factor?