Step Review 2: Musculo, Respiratory, Renal, Hem Onc Flashcards
Which parts of the femur do the ACL and PCL originate from?
ACL: lateral condyle
PCL: medial condyle
What is the unhappy triad? Why is it slightly misleading?
ACL, MCL and medial meniscus tear. The lateral meniscus is more commonly injured
What bursa gets inflamed from excessive kneeling?
Prepatellar bursa (e.g. tile layer)
What bursa does a Baker cyst involve?
Gastrocnemius/semimembranosus bursa
Name the rotator cuff muscles and their innervations
Supraspinatus: suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus: suprascapular nerve
teres minor: axillary nerve
Subscapularis: upper and lower subscapular nerves
Which is closer to the thumb: scaphoid or trapezium?
Between the trapezium, trapezoid, and triquetrum, which is in the proximal layer of wrist bones and which in the distal layer is most lateral?
Triquetrum is proximal (“try), trapezium is more lateral (thumb side)
Dislocation of which wrist bone may cause carpal tunnel syndrome? What might cause bilateral carpal tunnel?
Lunate, dialysis-related amyloidosis
Is sensation compromised in carpal tunnel?
No, the palmar cutaneous branch enters the hand external to the carpal tunnel.
Which ligament is cut to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?
Transverse carpal ligament
What nerve does sensation over the lateral arm? Lateral forearm?
Lateral arm= axillary
Lateral forearm= musculocutaneous
What specific branch of the median nerve supplies the thumb?
The recurrent branch
What nerve supplies sensation to the posterior, medial hand?
Ulnar nerve, radial only does the radial side (e.g. opposite of median)
On the posterior hand, does the radial or median nerve do the tips of the thumb side fingers?
Which nerve causes a winged scapula?
Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)
What is klumpke palsy? How does an adult get it typically?
Total claw hand due to traction/tear of lower trunk of brachial plexus. Typically grabbing a tree branch on the way by or something similar
What is the action of lumbricals?
Extend DIP, PIP and flex MCP
What is compressed in thoracic outlet syndrome? Where?
Lower trunk of brachial plexus and subclavian vessels (scalene triangle)
What nerve might be injured if the arm cannot be abducted above the horizontal position?
Long thoracic nerve, serratus anterior, winged scapula
Injury when you see foot drop and loss of sensation on dorsum of foot? Where is the injury likely?
Common perineal (fibular), fibular neck
What nerve and muscle can result in trendelenurg sign/gait? Which side is injured relative to the sign
Superior gluteal nerve to the gluteus medius, lesion is on the opposite side that the lower hip is on
Which nerve everts the foot? Which inverts?
Peroneal everts, tibial inverts
What is a good landmark for pudendal nerve anesthesia?
Ischial spine
What artery is associated with the axillary nerve at the surgical neck of the humerus?
Posterior circumflex artery