Stems 46.1 Flashcards
Path= feeling
Acropathology- the study of disease that affect the extremities: hands fingers
Simul= same like
Assimilation- the process in which one group takes on the cultural and other traits of another group
In= not
Indisposed- to make unwell, unfit for or not interested in doing something
Fly= make
Amplify- to make larger or more powerful, to increase
Sacro= divine, holy, religious, spiritual or heavenly
Desecrate- to cause harm to something holy
Ultra/ult= beyond on the other side excessive or to an extreme degree
Exultingly- revealing or triumphantly or exceedingly
Fer = to carry to bear, to produce to bring
Conferment- the process of giving something (an award, title) to a person or to people
Peri=around enclosing surrounding about near or close
Perianth- the outer envelope of a flower consisting of either the calyx (sepals of one flower collectively or the Corolla
Crypt= hidden
Apocryphal- that which is considered to be true by some people but which may be false, and of questionable authenticity
Para= Beside
Ectoparasite- a parasite, such as a flea, that lives on the exterior of another organism