Stems 43.2 Flashcards
Ex= out,without
Expedite: (v.) to speed up the progress of; to accomplish quickly
Infra= beneath
Infrastructure: (n.) the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization
-ism= doctrine, condition of
Altruism: (n.) unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Ject = throw, send
Trajectory: (n.) the curve described by a projectile, rocket, or the like in its flight
Loqu= talk
Colloquial: (adj.) characteristics of ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal
Nym= name
Aptonym: (n.) a proper name that aptly describes the occupation of the person, especially by coincidence
Sub= under
Subjugate: (v.) to bring a people or nation under the control of another nation; to bring under control
Super= over
Insuperable: (adj.) incapable of being surmounted, overcome, or passed over
Trib= pay, give, assign
Retribution: (n.) retaliation, punishment, or revenge on someone for doing a wrong, an injury, etc.
Cise = cut
Concise: (adj.) expressing much in few words; clear and succinct