Stem Cells 3 Flashcards
Describe cross talk between signalling pathways
Lif —> stat3
Erk - inhibited by dmp4–>smad
Erk = map kinase pathway, Imogene activated protein kinase = inhibits self renewal so induces differentiation
Lif and bmp4 encourage self renewal so inhibit differentiation
Describe mapk signalling
Mapk signalling (pretty strong) mediated by Erk, predisposes mouse Escs to differentiation Commitment fate
Describe exp - questions about mapk
What if suppress mapk signalling in ICm cells, can it make esc derivation more efficient?
Would it keep escs at undifferentiated state?
Can it have same effect as bmp4 and Lif
Can embryonic stem cells be established without lif and serum
When Erk suppressed by combo of Erk inhibitors =so must repress mapk signalling
Describe exp - Erk inhibitors
Used 3 types of Erk inhibitors - were added to culture
Each inhibits diff step of map kinase - signalling cascade
As long as mapkinase signalling repressed - even if no feeder or serum, can still induce and maintain embryonic stem cells
Describe extrinsic signalling mechanism -4
1- Lif and bmp4 important extrinsic factors that promote Mesc self renewal
2 - Lif blocks mesc differenitaion to primitive endoderm and mesoderm
3- bmp4 blocks mesc differentiation to neuroectodermal fate
4- Lif and bmp4 counteract action of mapk signalling (stimulated by fgf4) that induces differentiation commitment (inhibit mapk = directs esc to maintain stem cell fate)
Describe regulation of esc self renewal by intrinsic factors
Mechanisms inside cells
Oct4, nanog and sox2
Tfs - oct4 and nanog - homeobox proteins
Sox2-related to sry
Act together to maintain stem cells from inside cells
Describe oct4-neg embryos
Differentiate to te in vitro
Needed for maintenance es cells in mouse and humans
If Ko oct4 = cannot maintain icm, loses icm and only primitive endoderm remains - mixture of cells
Functional importance of oct4
Oct4 as an intracellular marker of escs
Describe oct 4 in morula and compacted morula
Morula = detect oct4
1st differentiation occurs =
Compacted morula = oct4 downregulation = te lineage (placental, reduces expression significantly), only icm cells express oct4,
Describe oct 4 expresion in blastocyst
Oct4 transient upregilation = trigger for formation of primitive endoderm
Still oct4 expressed in icm
Oct4 overexpression = when icm generates primitive endoderm
None in te
(Oct 4 important to maintain stem cell stage of es cells but over expression in Vivo = leads to differentiation icm)
Describe how emrbyonis stem cells behave depending on expression level of oct4
Increased oct4 expression by 50% = primitive endoderm, mesoderm
Normal = pluripotent stem cell
Hyperinsufficiency = remove one allele, expression decrease by 50% = te
When is oct4 required
At particular levels to maintain pluripotency
Overexpress = commit to differentiation
Reduce by half = cells are te, express cdx2
Describe altering the gene dosage of nanog and oct4 - gen
Modifies pluripotent phenotype of mescs
Were trying to see if can make es cells from adult seen cells - did not work
Importance of oct4 and nanog activities - what happens if one missing
Coordinated action of tfs - is nessecary to maintain stem cell fate
Describe altering the gene dosage of nanog and oct4 - specifics mods
Normal, conditions seen in vivo
Nanog over expression = Lif independent es cell
Oct4 over expression = endoderm and mesodermal
Oct4 ko = te, oct 4 inhibits te differentiation
Nanog ko = just like overexpresion oct4 4 = primitive endoderm
Describe overview of intrinsic factors mediating mouse es cell self renewal
Oct4/sox2 inhibit te differentiation
Nanog inhibits primitive endoderm
Acting together = maintain stem cell state, block differentiation = similar to cell extrinsic mechanisms
Describe genes bounds and regulated by oct4, nanog and sox2 in human es cells
A number of genes linked to esc differentiation are regulated by oct4, nanog and Sox2
Chip set= identify promoter that tfs bind to and downstream genes regulated
Active = stimulate self renewal genes, maybe the result of the expression of these genes
Silent = neurogenesis genes, ectoderm differenation, mesoderm production genes
Also upregulate themselves = positive feedback of gene expression
What is self renewal of emrbyonic stem cells regulated by
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors
Describe what the 3 tfs do generally = oct4, nanog, sox2
Constitute signalling circuit for self renewal of both mouse and human escs
Surpress genes important for lineage commitment - endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm and extra embryonic tissues
Also ipregulate themselves and each other = positive feedback