Stem Cells 2 Flashcards
Describe what stem cell markers have to be
Linked to stem cell functions and useful for prospective stem cell studies
What are pluripotent stem cells derived from
Story of testicular teratomas, a type of germ cell tumour and embryonic stem cells
Name the 3 types of embryo derived pluripotent stem cells
Embryonic stem cells
Embryonic germ cells
Embryonic carcinoma cells, stem cells of teratomas
What are embryonal carcinomas
Aka teratomas (benign) —> teratocarcinomas
Describe exp about teratomas
Strain 129 mice = some mice start having spontaneous teratomas —> chaotic tumour mass, includes various cell types=cells come from 3 emrbyonic germ layer (endo, Meso,ecto) = started mating, inbred line = mouse strain 129sv = specific, more tumours 1-2% in mostly gonads
What was historical assumption made about teratomas
Assumption made that came from twin they absorbed, not true tho
Pair partner twins
DESCRIBE germ cell development
Proximal posterior epiblast, comes out through primitive streak
Comes to bottom of allantois (umbilical cord) then proliferates and as embryonic dev, hind gut invaginates —> cells includes in here, in hindgut
Then move —> genital ridge, towards font sides
9.5 dpc embryo = when embryo starts turning around, left turn, actively migrating from gut —> genitalia ridge, through mesentery
Describe 10.5 day embryo
Hind limb bud, forelimb bud, cuts here and insert forceps and then scoop
Genital ridges with mesentery and aorta = aorta-gonad mesonephros region
Hematopoietic stem cells originate from same place, proliferate here, genital ridge
Describe 12.5 day embryo (genital ridges)
See emergence of kidney and mesonephros
Genital/testicular cord starts emergining so can sex them
Describe experimental set up for testicular teratomas and germ cell dev exp - stevens
Procedure = implant pre implantation embryos or embryonic gonads into testes of adult mice= took out genital ridge and transplanted into adult testes
Thought it was embryonic origin
Testes of mice accessible and easy, also where teratomas form often
Stevens made a series of expirements and determined that teratomas arise from early embryos or pcgs in 1950s-60s
Saw that teratomas emerge wheen grafted whole embryo as easily as 4 embryonic days, frequency increased until 6 emrbyonic days, also when genital ridges of 10-12 days old embryos grafted = teratomas
Predicted derivations of all types of pluripotent stem cells of embryonic origin
Describe experimental set up for testicular teratomas and germ cell dev exp - stevens RESULts
Measured occurrence of teratomas, didn’t find anything
During early embryogenesis = embryos can transform to teratomas
Germ cell specification and migration = small numbers and then migrate so location and number of them is small = couldn’t find info here
Pcg specification = quantitative restrictions and lack of anatomical knowledge caused him to be unable to reproduce teratomas by trasnplantation
What do teratomas arise from
Germ cells
What do teratomas arise from - describe experiemnt
Use spontaneous mutant mouse called slj = steel, sterile only VERY FEW germ cells, mutation on steel locus of genome, c-kit ligand growth factor, mutant causes lack of spermatognesis/gametognesis bc environmental issue, if 2 locus mutant = infertile
(C kit ligand= growth factor secreted by testicular somatic cells, germ cells genetically normal)
What do teratomas arise from - describe experiemnt - was it fair
Exp compared wt wt, slj wt, slj slj
Slj wt and wt wt normal 159 genital ridges implanted 74% teratoma formation
Slj slj defective 56 genital ridges implanted and 2% teratoma formation
Concluded = origin of teratomas = germ cells
Yes FAIR = since Mendelian, so mutant 1/3 of other 2
T or F = teratoma cells die very fast and cannot be maintained for a long time
Teratoma cells can be maintained for a long time
Describe exp involving teratoma cell maintenance
Teratoma cells dissociated - enzyme, makes single cell suspension —>
Inject teratoma cells into abd cavity, peritoneal of immune compatible adult —> teratoma cells grow and from aggregation = embryoid body (makes sphere, can see tissues and cell types from all 3 germ layers, looks like blastocyst/early morula)
Also so can regenerate embryoid body - if harvest, make into single cells, and re injectt into abd cavity of new mice
What exists in teratoma cells
Mouse exp = long term self renewal and regeneration ability, indicating that a stem cell pop exists in teratoma cells
What can from a teratoma
A single cell
What can from a teratoma - describe exp
Enzymatically digest teratoma cells (from embryoid bodies), and encapsulate a single teratoma cell on a glass capillary (just one), confirmed that capillary has one cell, and implant capillary subcutaneously
Waited and see if teratoma = did exp over 1700 times and 2-3% showed dev of teratoma
What does a single cell have the ability to o
Has ability to generate diffent cell types derived from 3 embryonic germ layers
= pluripotency
Clonal descendants of one single cell = concept of clonogenecity
Pluripotency= has ability to produce 3 germ cell layer, Alec ell types of body
Can teratoma cells be integrated into normal embryogenesis
Can teratoma cells be integrated into normal embryogenesis - DEscrIBE EXP
Inject teratoma cell injected into blastocyst
One cell injected into blastocyst and inject into pseudo pregnant females (not acc pregnant, induced) —> pup born with chimeric stripe on skin (severest immune reaction)
White mouse, inject cells into it, tip fo needle reaches blastocyst, embryo collapses then come s back (bc physical damage), teratoma cels from black coat strain = tumour cells visible without any tools
Tumor cells can become part of embryo and life and not cause cancer
Studies relie on cell function = presence of stem cells was recognized retrospectively
WHAT CAN teratomas arise from
Early embryos and pgcs
Most clinical cases of teratomas reprsent germ cell cancers
What do teratomas represent
Chaotic structures, everything chaotic
Embryoid body when make tumour mass
What can teratoma cells do - 3
proliferate indefinitely (long-termself-renewal)
integrate in normal embryonic development (differentiation)
exhibit this dual function as a single cell (clonogenicity)