Stella section Flashcards
Define asset price
the amount paid for an asset, represents amount of value the market has been assigned to an asset
Define log returns
The log return n is defined as the logarithmic price changes on an asset, with appropriate adjustments for any dividend
payments. Let pt and rt denote the price and the log-return at time t respectively. If ignoring dividends, then rt = log(pt/pt−1).
Define gross return
Ratio of two prices
Define simple returns
simple return Rt of an asset over time period t can be measured
by the sum of the change in its market price plus any income received
over the holding period divided by its price at the beginning of the
holding period
Rt = (pt − p_(t−1) )/ p_(t−1)
Relate simple returns to log returns
rt = log(1 + Rt)
Give the 11 stylised facts
- absence of autocorrelations
- heavy tails
- gain/loss symmetry
- aggregational gaussanity
- intermittency
- volatility clustering
- slow decay of autocorrelation in absolute terms
- conditional heavy tails
- leverage effect
- volume/volatility correlation
- asymmetry in time scales
State the three most important stylised facts
- The first important stylized fact for returns is that their distribution is not normal.
- The second important stylized fact is that the sample autocorrelations of
returns are generally close to zero, regardless of the time lag. - The third major stylized fact is about the positive dependence between absolute returns or
squared returns on nearby day
Give the RWH for modelling returns
rt = µ + et, t = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . ,
where {et} is weakly stationary with E[et] = 0 and Var(et) < ∞
note et = σtεt
What is the H0 for testing the RWH in modelling returns?
Cov(rt,rt+h) = 0 for h≠0, i.e., {et} ∼ WN(0, σ^2)
Give the Q-test for the RWH
Qτ = n(n + 2)*sum(k=1 to τ) ρˆ2_k/(n − k) ≈
sum(k=1 to τ) nρˆ2_k
Under the RWH, Qτ→ χ^2_τ
Give the variance-ratio test for modelling returns by the RWH
VR(N) = V(N) / NV(1) = 1 + 2/N * sum(τ=1 to N-1) (N − τ )ρτ
zN = (VR( ˆ N) − 1) / sqrt(v_N/n)∼ N(0, 1)
When does the variance ratio test perform better than the q-test?
If the null hypothesis is heteroskedastic
Give the sample skewness formula
β_2 = 1/n * sum(i=1 to n) (ri − rbar)^3 / S^3
Give the sample kurtosis formula
κ_2 = 1 / )n−1) sum(i=1 to n) (ri − rbar)^4 / S^4
Give the JB test statistic
JBn = n*(β^2/6 + (κ_2 − 3)^2 /24→ χ_2