Kume section Flashcards
When is a stochastic process weakly stationary?
If and only if for all t and s:
- E(yt) = µ, for all t
- var(yt) = E[(yt − µ)^2] = σ^2_y < ∞, for all t
- cov(yt, yt−s) = E[(yt − µ)(yt−s − µ)] = γs, for all t,s
Give the covariance formula
Cov(X,Y) = Corr(X,Y) * sqrt(var(x)) * sqrt(var(y))
How is the autocorrelation between time yt and yt-s found?
ρs = γs/γ0
= corr(yt, yt−s) = cov(yt, yt−s) / (√γ0*√γ0)
Give the formula for sample autocorrelation
ρˆs =γˆs/ γˆ0
= rs
= sum(t=s+1 to T) (yt − y¯)*(yt−s − y¯) / sum(t=1 to T)(yt − y¯)^2
Define a white noise process
A sequence {εt} is a WN process if for all t:
E(εt) = 0
var(εt) = E(εt^2) = σ^2
cov(εt, εt−s) = E(εtεt−s) = 0 for all s ≠ 0
Give the general formula for an ARMA(p,q) process
yt = a0 + sum(i=1 to p) aiyt−i + sum(i=0 to q) βiεt−i
A(L)yt = a0 + B(L)εt
How do you present an ARMA process as an infinite MA process?
yt = [a0 + sum(i = 0 to q) βiεt−i] / (1 − sum(i=1 to p) aiLi)
How do you present an ARMA process as an infinite AR process?
sum(i=0 to ∞) (−β1)^i
yt−i = εt
When is an ARMA process stationary?
Roots of A(L) outside unit circle⇐⇒ Char. roots inside
unit circle ⇐⇒ MA(∞)
When is an ARMA process invertible
Roots of B(L) outside unit circle⇐⇒AR(∞) representation
Give the Yule-Walker equations
γs = a1γs−1 + a2γs−2 +...+ apγs−p γ0 = a1γ1 + a2γ2 +...+ apγp + σ^2
ρs = a1ρs−1 + a2ρs−2 + · · · + aρs-p
In an AR(p) model, where are the ACF bars?
ρs ≠ 0, ∀s but (exp) decaying to 0
In an AR(p) model where are the PACF bars?
φss ≠ 0 for s ≤ p; φss = 0 s > p
In an MA(q) model, where are the ACF bars?
ρs ≠ 0 for s ≤ q; φss = 0 s > q
In an MA(q) model where are the PACF bars?
φss ≠ 0∀s; exp-decaying to 0
In an ARMA(p,q) model, where are the ACF bars?
ρs ≠ 0, ∀s but (exp) decaying to 0 for s > q
In an ARMA(p,q) model, where are the PACF bars?
φss ≠ 0∀s; but exp-decaying to 0 for s > p
What is an ARIMA model?
The process yt is ARIMA(p,d,q) if ∆dyt = yt^star is stationary
Give the formula for AIC
AIC(p, q) = ln(σ^2) + 2(p + q + 1)/T
Give formula for BIC
BIC(p, q) = ln(σ^2) + (ln T)(p + q + 1)/T
Would a model be better with a higher, or lower AIC/BIC?
How can you estimate parameters in a model?
- method of moments
Give the forecast expectation of an ARMA model
ET (yT+j ) = a0 +
sum(i=1 to j-1) ai * ET (y_T+j−i) + sum(i=j to p) aiy_T+j−i + 0 + sum(i=j to q) βiε_T+j−i