Statues / Statuae Flashcards
postquam Theodorus Alexandrum laudavit, iuvenes Pompeiani e porticu discesserunt.
After Theodorus praised Alexander, the Pompeian young men left from the collonade.
Alexander et Quintus as villam ambulabant, ubi Alexander et duo frateres habitabant.
Alexander and Quintus were walking to the house, where Alexander and his two brothers were living.
Alexander fratibus donum quaerebat, quod diem natalem celebrabant.
Alexander was looking for a gift for his brothers, because they were celebrating their birthday
In via institor parvus statuas vendebat et clamabat:
In the street a vendor was selling small statues and was shouting:
‘Statuae! Optimae statuae!’
Statues! Excellent statues!
Alexander fratibus statuas emit.
Alexander bought statues for his brothers.
Statuae erant senex, iuvenis, Puella pulchra.
The statues were an old man, a young man, and a beautiful girl.
Duo fratres in horto sedebant.
The two brothers were sitting in the garden.
Alexander, postquam statuas emit, ad villam cum Quinto contendit.
Alexander, after he bought the statues, went to the house with quintus.
postquam alexander et Quintus villam intraverunt, pueri ad eos cucurrerunt.
After alexander and Quintus entered the house, the boys ran to them.
Diodorus picturam pingebat, Thrasymachus librum Graecum legebat.
Diodorus was painting a picture, Thrasymachus was reading a Greek book.
Diodorus statuas conspexit.
Didorus caught sight of the statues.
“Alexander, quid portals?” Inquit
Alexander, what are you carrying? He asked
Vos et felices. Inquit Alexander. Ego vobis donum habeo quod vos diem natalem celebratis.
You are all lucky alexander said. I have a gift for you, because you celebrate your birthday.
Ecce! Alexander fratibus statuas ostendit
Look! Alexander showed the statues to his brothers.
Quam pulchra est puella! Inquit diodorus
How pretty is the girl. Said diodorous.
Da mihi puellam!
Give me the girl!
Minime! Frater, da mihi puellam! Clamavit Thrasymachus
No! Brother, give me the girl! Shouted Thrasymachus.
Pueri dissentibant et lacrimabant.
The boys were arguing and crying
“Hercle! Vos estis stultissimi pueri!” Clamat Alexander iratus.
By Hurcules! You are the stupidest boys. Shouted alexander angrily
“Semper dissentitis, semper lacrimatis. Abite! Abite! Ego statuas retineo!”
You always argue, always cry. Go away! Go away! I keep the statues.
Pueri, postquam Alexander hoc dixit, abierunt.
The boys, after alexander said this, left.
Diodorus picturam in Terram deiecit, quod iratus erat
Diodorus threw a pictre onto the ground, because he wqs angry.
Thrasymachus librum in piscinam deiecit, quod iratissimus erat.
Thrasymachus threw the book into the fish pond, because he was very angry.
Tum Quintus dixit
Then Quintus said
Thrasymachus, ecce! Ego tibi senem do, quod senex erat philosophus.
Thrasymachus, look! I gave to you the old man, because he was a philosopher.
“Alexander, da mihi statuas! Thrasymache! Diodore! venite huc!
“Alexander, give me the statues. Thrasymachus! Diodorus! Come here!
Diodore, tibi iuvenem do, quod iuvenes erat Pictor.
Didores, I give to you the young man, because the young man was a painter.
Sumus contenti. Responderunt pueri
We are happy. Replied the boys.
Ego mihi puellam do, quod ego sum solus! Vosne estis contenti?
I give myself the girl, because i am lonely! Are you happy?
“Ecce, Alexander” Inquit Quintus. “ vos Graeculi estis optimi artifices sed turbulenti.
“Look, Alexander” said Quintus. “ you Greeks are great artists but you are rowdy.
Nos romani vobis pacem Damus!”
We Romans give you peace!
“Et vos praemium acciptis.” Susurravit Thrasymachus
And you receive a reward, whispered thrasymachus