What is the least squares criterion? What does it mean in terms of regression residuals?
The method for finding the line of best fit. Means finding the solution with the least regression residuals.
How do you interpret B and beta coefficients?
B coefficients (B0 and B1) are unstandardised and depend on the scales of X and Y Beta coefficients are standardised (B0 is 0 and B1 is 1)
When do you use B and beta coefficients?
B coefficients are used to predict Y from X
Beta coefficients are used to predict Y from X and generalise findings across measurement scales
What is the intercept in a standard regression equation? Why?
0 - because measurements are standardised (turned into Z scores), 0 becomes the origin for both variables
What kind of variables will any regression equation involve?
One DV (outcome) A number p of independent variables (predictors)
What is multiple R?
The correlation between observed Y and predicted Y
What is R square?
the proportion of variance in observed Y accounted for by the multiple regression equation (predicted Y)
What is the point of multiple regression?
To find out how much variance in the outcome all predictors explain together (R square) and how much variance each predictor explains alone
What is part correlation?
Part correlation looks at the relationship between Y and X1 removing the effects of X2 from X1 and Y
What is partial correlation?
Partial correlation looks at the relationship between Y and X1 removing the effects of X2 from X1 but not Y
What is the meaning of the squared partial correlation in multiple regression?
Part correlation squared is the amount by which R-square would decrease if the predictor was removed from the regression