Statistiek 8 Flashcards
4 assumptions of Kaplan Meier Survival analysis
- events are unique and oncly occur once
- prognosis for censored patients and survivors is equal
- prognosis for early and late included patients is equal
- events happen at the registred time only
Definitie S(t)
Cummulatieve survival probability at time (t)
Af te leiden van Kaplan meier curve (2 vragen)
- proportie die nog leeft bij tijdstip t
- point at which 0% has died
- mediane survival time? S(t) = 0.50,
Survival probabilty formule:
P (surv time āiā | at risk) = (Ri-Di) / Ri.
i = specifieke dag Ri = aantal patienten voor dag i Di = aantal events op moment t
Survival op dag 3 berekene hoe?
Het product van de kans dat je dag 1 overleeft, de kans dat je dag twee overleeft.
Survival functie: t3
S(t3) = ((R1-D1)/R1) * (R2-D2/R2) * (R3-D3/R3)
stel er gaat nietmand dood op dag 1 en 2 dan is S12 = 1.
Dan 1* (r3-d3)/r3
Log rank test?
Non parametrisch, distribution of observed events as expectd under H0 is true (no difference)
If survival group A = survival group B, number of events at any time is proportional to the group size.