Statistics Education Flashcards
What is “Informal Statistical Inference” (ISI)?
ISI is based on generalizing beyond the given data, expressing uncertainty with a probabilistic language, and using data as evidence for these generalizations (Makar and Rubin, 2009, 2017)
What is Informal Inferential Reasoning? (IIR)
The reasoning process leading to making ISI’s (Informal Statistical Inference). IIR refers to the cognitive activities involved in informally formulating generalizations (e.g. conclusions, predictions) about “some wider universe” from random samples, using various statistical tools such as: sample size, sampling variability, controlling for bias, uncertainty and properties of data aggregate (Rubin et al. 2006)
Bivariate relations are characterized by…
Bivariate relations are characterized by the variability of each of the variables; the pattern of a relation, the shape of the relationship
in terms of linearity, clusters and outliers; and the existence, direction and strength
of a trend (Watkins et al. 2004).
What does statistical covariation relate to?
Statistical covariation relates to the correspondence of variation of two variables that vary along numerical scales (Mortimer 2004)
How is reasoning with covariation defined?
Reasoning with covariation is defined as the cognitive activities involved in coordinating, explaining and generalizing two varying
quantities while attending to the ways in which they change in relation to each other
(Carlson et al. 2002).
What is meant by a “covariation approach”?
A covariation approach in this context entails being able to move between values of one variable and coordinating this shift with movement between corresponding values of another variable. Such an approach plays an important role in students’ understanding, rep-
resenting and interpreting of the rate of change, and its properties in graphs (Carlson
et al. 2002). The approach can also lead to reasoning about the algebraic representa-
tion of a function (Confrey and Smith 1994).
What are the four levels of verbal and numerical graph interpretation?
Nonstatistical, single aspect, inadequate covariation, and appropriate covariation
What do Nonstatistical responses relate to?
Nonstatistical responses relate to the context or to a few data points such as outliers or extreme values without addressing covariation.
What do single aspects responses refer to?
Single aspects responses refer to a single data point or to one of the variables (usually the dependent), with no interpolating.
What does inadequate covariation responses address?
Inadequate covariation responses address both variables but either relate to correspondence by comparing two or more points without generalizing to the whole data or to the population; Or variables are described without relating to the correspondence or by mentioning it incorrectly.
What does appropriate covariation responses refer to?
Appropriate covariation responses refer to both variables and the correspondence correctly?
Describe the challenges students face while reasoning with covariation.
Students tend to focus on:
1) Isolated data points rather than on the global data set and trend.
2) Single variable rather than the bivariate data
3) Expect a perfect correspondence between variables, without exception in data
(a deterministic approach)
4) Consider a relation between variables only if it is positive (the unidirectional misconception).
5) Reject negative covariations when they are
contradictory to their prior beliefs.
6) Have a hard time distinguishing between arbitrary and structural covariation (Batanero et al. 1997; Ben-Zvi and Arcavi 2001; Moritz
What is aggregate reasoning?
Aggregate reasoning is a global view of data that tends to aggregate features of data sets and their propensities. (Ben-Zvi and Arcavi 2001; Shaughnessy 2007)
A data set is considered as a whole, emergent properties of the whole are different than properties of the individual cases.
What are two important aggregate properties of a data set?
Two important aggregate properties are the distinction between signal and noise and the recognition and diagnosis of various types and sources of variability. (Ruben et al. 2006)
What are 3 key aggregate aspects of a distribution?
Aggregate aspects of distribution:
Shape, Spread, Concentration (Makes me think of how I spread butter and jam on toast compared to how Beth does! Mine, random, clumpy, and tending to be all located in the middle. Beth’s smooth, evenly thick, no concentration in any one area.)
1) General shape,
2) How spread out the cases are
3) Where the cases tend to be concentrated within the distribution
(Bakker and Gravemeijer 2004; Konold et al. 2015).