Statistics Chapter 1 Terms Flashcards
What is a continuous variable?
A variable with a unit of measurement thatcan be subdivided infinitely (time, age, etc.)
What is data?
Information expressed as numbers
What is data reduction?
Summarizing many scores with a few statistics
What is a dependent variable?
A variable that is identified as an effect or outcome. Thought to be caused by the independet variable.
What is a discrete variable?
A variable with a basic uit of measurement that cannot be subdivided (people, cars, etc.)
What is a hypothesis?
A specific statement, derived from a theory, about the relationship between variables.
What is an independent variable?
A variable that is identified as a cause. It is thought to cause the dependent variable.
What are inferential statistics?
The branch of statistics concerned with making generalizations from samples to populations.
What is level of measurement?
The mathematical characteristic of a variable and the major criterion for selecting statistical techniques.
What are measures of association?
Statistics that summarize the strength and direction of the relationship between variables.
What is a population?
The total collection of all cases in which the researcher is interested
What is quantitative research?
Research projects that collect data or information in the form of numbers.
What is research?
Any process of gahering information systematically and carefully to answer questions or test theories.
What is a theory?
A generalized explanation of the relationship between two or more variables.
What is a variable?
Any trait that can change values from case to case.
A variable with a unit of measurement thatcan be subdivided infinitely (time, age, etc.) is termed…
Continuous variable
Information expressed as numbers is termed…
Summarizing many scores with a few statistics is termed…
Data reduction
A variable that is identified as an effect or outcome. Thought to be caused by the independet variable is termed…
Dependent variable
The branch of statistics concerned with 1. Summarizing the distribution of a single variable or 2. Measuring the relationship between two or more variables is termed…
Descriptive variable
A variable with a basic uit of measurement that cannot be subdivided (people, cars, etc.) is termed…
Discrete variable
A specific statement, derived from a theory, about the relationship between variables is termed…
A variable that is identified as a cause. It is thought to cause the dependent variable is termed…
Independent variable
The branch of statistics concerned with making generalizations from samples to populations is termed…
Inferential statistics
The mathematical characteristic of a variable and the major criterion for selecting statistical techniques is termed…
Level of measurement
Statistics that summarize the strength and direction of the relationship between variables is termed…
Measures of association
The total collection of all cases in which the researcher is interested is termed…
Research projects that collect data or information in the form of numbers is termed…
Quantitative research
Any process of gahering information systematically and carefully to answer questions or test theories is termed…
A generalized explanation of the relationship between two or more variables is termed…
Any trait that can change values from case to case is termed…