Statistics Flashcards
state the calculation for power in a study
power = 1 - probability of type II error
type II error is when the study does not reject H0
> increasing sample size increases power and decreases type II error
what is the equation used to calculate sensitivity
true positives / (false negatives + true positives)
what is the equation used to calculate specificity
true negatives / (true negatives + false positives)
what is the equation used to calculate positive predictive value
true positives / (true positives + false positives)
what is the equation used to calculate negative predictive value
the chance that the patient does not have a condition if they have a negative test result
true negatives / (true negatives + false negatives)
what is the equation used to calculate likelihood ratio for a positive result
sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
what is the equation used to calculate likelihood ratio for a negative result
(1- sensitivity) / specificity
how do you calculate number needed to treat (NNT)?
1 / absolute risk reduction
absolute risk reduction = control event rate (CER) - experimental event rate (EER)
how do you calculate relative risk reduction>
state the coefficients used for
- parametric data
- non-parametric data
- parametric (normally distributed): Pearson’s coefficient
- non-parametric: Spearman’s coefficient
describe a type I error
the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true
describe the following non-parametric tests
- Mann Whitney U test
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
- Chi-squared test
- Mann Whitney U test
> compares ordinal, interval or ratio scales of unpaired data - Wilcoxon signed-rank test
> compares two sets of observations on a single sample e.g. before after test on same population following an intervention - Chi-squared test
> used to compare proportions or percentages e.g. compares the % of patients who improved following two different interventions
*paired dats is obtained from a single group of patients, unpaired data is obtained from two different groups of patients
Describe the period prevalence
number of identified cases during a specified period of time / total number of people in that population
describe the properties of normal distribution
68.3% of values lie within 1 SD of the mean
95.4% of values lie within 2 SD of the mean
99.7% of values lie within 3 SD of the mean
the standard deviation is a measure of how much dispersion exists from the mean
describe the phases of clinical trials
phase 0 - exploratory studies
> small number of participants, aims to assess how drug behaves in human body
> assesses pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics
phase 1 - safety assessment
> determines side-effects prior to larger studies
> conducted on healthy volunteers
phase 2 - efficacy assessment
> small number of participants affected by particular disease
> IIa: optimal dosing, IIb: efficacy
phase 3 - effectiveness assessment
> 100-1000s of people, usually part of RCT
> compares new treatment with established treatment
phase 4 - postmarketing surveillance
> long-term effectiveness and side-effects