Statistical methods for chemical analysis Flashcards
What are statistical methods for chemical analysis?
- Data
- Distributions
- Associations
- Graphical methods
- Hypothesis testing
- Averages
- Power
What are some different data types and what is each one mentioned?
*** Nominal/ categorial **
o Data that you can put into a names category
-E.g., alive, or dead
*** Ordinal **
o Data that you can order (and categorise)
-E.g., Mild/ moderate/ severe
*** Interval/ ratio **
o Data that has a measurement (and you can order and categorise)
- Interval- differences between measurements are equal e.g., time, temperature
- Ratio- has a true zero so can be negative- e.g., heights, weight, percentage, concentration
What are the 5 rules for significant figures in measurements?
- All non-zero numbers **are significant **
e.g., 563 has 3 sig. figs. - All zeros between non-zero numbers **are significant **
e.g., 24006 has 5 sig. fig
2.404 has 4 sig. fig. - Leading zeros are **not significant **
e.g., 0.0063 has 2 sig/fig - Trailing zeros after a number are** not significant **
e.g., 420 have 2 sig. fig. -
Unless there is a decimal point before trailing zeros
e.g., 420.0 has 4 sig fig.
Data is based on measurements that are uncertain.
Not all digits have meaning (are significant) and only those numbers derived from a measurement should be written down. For instance trailing zeros if written must have meaning.
When doing addition/ subtraction and multiplications/ divisions what are some ensurences with significant figures that need to be made?
**Adding and subtracting- **the answer must reflect the reliability of the least precise number
2.2 + 2.66 = 4.9 (rounded to the least number after the dp)- as only have precision to 2 sf
* Multiplication and divisions- report with the least number of significant figures
* 14 is not the same the 14.0- same value but different meanings about its trustworthiness
o 2.5 x 3.42 = 8.6 (calculator 8.55 2 s.f)
o 3.10 x 4.520= 14.0 (calculator 14.012)
o 5.042 x 20= 100 (calculator 100.84)- note 1 sf in answer
o 5.042 x20.0= 101 (calculator 100.84)-note 3 sf in answer
How do would you round 5 in the following instances:
* Less than 5
* Greater than 5
* 5
* Exactly 5 (followed only by zeros)
Whats the relationship between accuracy and precision?
There isn’t one
What is accuracy?
A measurement of average difference between experimental value and true value
Differences are due to systematic errors
The true value must be known
Every measurmeent has an associated uncertainty
Whats precision?
How close measurements are to each other
The differences due to random errors
The distribution of the random measurements is **guassian or normal **
How is the normal distribution of data described?
As the standard deviation
When is a histogram used?
For normally distributed data when a large sample size is used and this is better as leads to a bell-shaped curve
Sometimes a histogram can have skewed data
What kind of graphical method is used to compare groups and distributions?
Box and whisker plot
What are the different averages and what is each one?
What is the equation for calculating the mean?
What is the mean?
How is it calculates?
How is it represented in a box and whisker plot?
What is the mode and what type of thing do you have to look out for?
If a statistical test is carried out and it gets that p<0.05, what does this mean?
P<0.05 shows less that 5% chance that these two data sets came from the same distribution which suggest that they are different sets
Draw a box and whisker plot and what does each aspect of itrepresent and how would the minimum and maximum otherwise be written?
For standard deviations:
* What kind of data is it used for?
* What is it a measure of?
* What does it describe?
What is the equation for the standard deviation and variance?
What is the** 95% reference range**?
**Standard deviation **
o Gives an indication of spread
o 95% of observations with mean +/-2sd (actually 1.96 sd)
o 95% reference (normal) range; expect 95% of the samples to be within this range in the data set
What is standard error?
The standard deviation of the means of the representative data is known as the standard error
Graphical representation of a standard error
What is the 95% confidence interval?
Standard error is a standard deviation
o Of means, rather than data observations
o 95% of means lie within the mean (of means) +/- 2se (**95% confidence interval) **
What is the equation for calculating standard error?
Error bars, deciding when to use them in your data
What is a normal distribution data set?
Data based on continuous distributions follow a mathematical distribution- usually a normal distribution