Gas chromatography Flashcards
- Describe how the GC separation occurs and what can be done to improve it
- Describe all of the principal components of a GC instrument
o Injectors, column formats, detectors etc
o Know what combination to use for an analysis - Knows the strengths and limitations of GC and when to use it as a preferred technique over other methods
- Give some practical examples of GC in operation
o Carry out typical mathematical calculations in GC analyses
Reading list
What is Gas chromatography?
- “a technique for the separation of mixtures of thermally stable, volatile/ semi-volatile solutes in the gas phase”
* Separation technique- takes place due to chemical affinity for the stationary phase and molecular boiling point (BP) for distribution to gas phase - **Thermally stable- **high temperatures, solute degradation
* Volatile/ semi-volatile solutes- volatiles solutes readily move into gas phase
What is the stationary phase (SP) and how may it be present?
o The stationary phase in GC is a solid or a liquid coated onto a solid support
o Therefore, there are two types of GC- **gas-solid and gas-liquid chromatography
o In GC- the stationary phase may be packed into a ‘column’ (column chromatography) or coated onto the inner walls of a very narrow capillary (open tubular (OT) chromatography** e.g., capillary GC)
What is the mobile phase?
o This phase constantly moves over the stationary phase, and both are in equilibrium
o In GC, the mobile phase is termed the **carrier gas **
o The mobile phase is also sometimes called the **eluent gas **
o The process of pass liquid or gas through the column to remove bound compound is called **elution **
Whats the distribution ratio?
And the equation associated with it?
o The distribution ratio, D, for a solute is defined as the ratio of its analytical concentration in two immiscible solvents
o When D is high for a solute, has a high affinity for that solvent
o Differences in D for each solute in a mixture, gives rise to
What is the GC principle?
Samples (which must be volatile and thermally stable at the operating temperature) are introduced via the injection port at the top of the GC column.
A continuous flow of gas elutes the compounds in order of increasing distribution ratio, D, from where they pass through a detector connected to a recording system”
Draw a schematic of a GC capillary column, labelling the key features and what the purpose of the main componenets are
- GC capillary column
- Brown and yellow is part of column housing, light brown is liquid coated onto wall
- Made of Glass or silica which is brittle
- Outer coating of polyamide adds stability
- Long columns between 30-100m
- Mechanical stability allows to twist or bend onto roll without breaking it
- Liquid coated on at different thicknesses depending on what we want to separate
- Analyte (A) in gas phase
- Stationary phase is a liquid/ solid
- If another compound B is added which has poor distribution ratio, it has a lower retention time and comes out first
• Container with the carrier gas/ eluent gas within
• Connected to a molecular sieve to remove any unwatedmoleucles such as hydrocarbons, water vapour and oxygen
• The column is coiled within a container in order to maintain a constant temperature in all of the column
• There is an inlet port for the sample to be injected which is a higher temperature than the column to ensure all samples are volatilised
• Sample can be read via flame ionisation detection where hydrogen and oxygen react to form a flame which the sample passes onto. The sample is ionised and the electrodes wither side detect the ions and electrons and produce a gas chromatogram which has been amplified. This shows the retention time and the area under the curve shows the concentration of the sample. This can then be compared against a known standard
• The column is usually made of glass or silica (something which can withstand high temperatures) and has a polyimide coating
What does separation depend on?
- Polarity of the SP
- Temperature (T)
- Flow rate (F) of carrier gas
- Amount of sample injected
- The length of the column
How does polarity of the SP affect separation?
o Higher D for the stationary phase –> higher retention or Dow value of solute
o Large differences in D for solute mix –> increased separation
How does temperature affect separation?
o Increase T –> increased proportion of solute in gas phase –> decreased retention
o Large differences in BP for solution mix –> increased separation
o If solutes have large range of BP then temp can be used to increase the degree of separation
How does flow rate of the carrier gas affect separation?
o Increase F –> decreased retention –> decreased efficiency (N) –> decreased separation power
How does the amount of sample injected affect separation?
oOverloading of optimum sample: SP ratio –> decreased N –> decreased separation power
How does the length of the column affect separation?
Longer columns give better separations, albeit longer runtimes, GC columns can be very long
The chromatogram and how different formulae are used
A typical gas chromatogram
- Gas chromatogram, peaks are sharp and well separated, separation due to heated gas phase so interaction with stationary phase being faster due to increased solute energy
- Increases mass transfer into stationery and gas phases
- Multistep gradient
- Optimised separation (NOT optimal)
How are the areas under the peak calculated?
Manual integration
What is GC used for in biomedicine and pharmaceutical science?
- QC in biomedicine drug manufacture (e.g., starting products; all stages of production and finished product)
- Quantification of API in biomedical preparations
- Pharmacognosy
- Stability studies
- Pharmacokinetic studies (metabolism studies, therapeutic monitoring of drug levels)
- Drug application studies (e.g., transdermal application)
- Checking suitability of packaging materials
- Detecting counterfeit drugs
- Biological system/ process characterisation via determination of biomolecules
o “omics”: e.g., proteomics, metabolomics, phenomics - Toxicology studies: analysis of tissues and excreta
- Manufacturing residues
- Flavour
What is GC used for in forensic science?
- Arson residues, accelerants
- Bulk explosives and explosives residues
- Chemical warfare agents
- Toxicology (overdose, drug abuse, poisoning, suspicious death)
- Doping in sports
- Drink driving
- Workplace drug testing
- Possession and trafficking of controlled substances
- Paint
- Environmental
- Food authenticity
What are classical GC components and the order in which they are used in?
A. Mobile phase (carrier gas) reservoir –>
B. Sample introduction device –>
C. GC separation column –>
D. Detector –>
E. Data logger/ computer
Draw a schematic of a GC instrument
Which aspects of the GC instrument need temperature control?
The Injector, detector and column
Each are independently controlled
What are the types of carrier gases present in GC?
Carrier gas/ mobile phase
Carrier gases: Gas purifiers
mobile phases can be unreactive gases such as; nitrogen, hydrogen, helium and aron
Tell me the the following about the mobile phase:
* how it is stored
* rate which it is supplied at
* how the rate is controlled
* the types of carrier gases
o Stored in a** compressed cylinder **
o Supplied at 10-40 psi, flow at 2-120 ml/min
o Fine control by needle valve or mass flow cylinder **
o Types of carrier gases: N2, He, H2 **(gases don’t need to be heated as out natural, they are inert and don’t react with solutes, all have pros and cons generally being cost vs efficiency)
In GC, does the carrier gas take part in the distribution processes?
NO (i.e., the analyte has no ‘affinity’ for any gas,just for the gas phase itself based on its BP)
What is used to control the movement along the column?
- It is mainly gas temperature that is used to control the rate of movement along a column
How can gas viscosity and density contribute to carrier gases rates?
- How, gas viscosity and density can contribute
**High density gas –> good efficiency –> faster analysis times **
- Large gas molecule means the larger the distance the solute must travel (with N2 being the biggest)
Why are carrier gases, gas purifiers needed?
To help purify gases to keep them inert
What can be used as gas purifiers?
- Mositure traps
- oxygen traps
- Hydrocarbon traps
How do moisture traps work?
o Water in gas –> hydrolysis –> noisy baseline and peak tailing (due to water dipole being present).
o Moisture trap contains molecular sieves and moisture indicating absorbents
o Water can cause hydrolysis and problems with injection so isn’t wanted.
o Peak tailing occurs when more than one retention mechanism
How do oxygen traps work?
o Oxygen in carrier gas –> oxidation of liquid phase resulting in bleeding, changes in retention, loss of resolution and peak tailing
o Also, can cause oxidation of ECD
o Remove by use of oxygen trap filters. top of trap is filled with Cu compounds and the bottom with an oxygen indicating solid
How do hydrocarbon traps work?
o Organics in gas –> noisy baseline and host peaks. Trap is filled with high-capacity activated charcoal
o High SA= more mass transfer
o Activated charcoal made from burning of fossil fuels
Tell me the purpose and typical features of injector systems for GC
Injection systems for GC
* In chromatography, sample should be introduced as a narrow band (if not then split or deformed peaks are seen)
* Liquids are injected into injector port via a self-sealing rubber septum
* Gases require a large volume of gas-tight syringe or gas sampling valve
How does injection effect banding in GC?
- If process is quick, then band spreads during injection process and gets to column as already broad band. If quick, then band is sharp
- Low BP reach column with minimal broadening
- Injector is a discriminator of solutes
The injector type and sample volume can affect the peak afficiency
What is the criteria for an ideal sample introduction system in GC?
- No discrimination of solutes in terms of boiling point, polarity, molecular weight etc
* Thermal degradation, absorption, and other solute reactions should be negligible at all sample sizes
- No loss in efficiency- little dead volume- especially for cap-GC
- Changes in column operating conditions should not influence injection process
* Reproducibility should be high- peak areas/heights and retention times
- The longer the band in the injector, the more the band spreads
- E.g., If column colder than injector then should not see cold temp and should see high reproducibility
What are the types of injection systems for packed columns?
- Flash Vaporised injector
- On-column injector
What is the main principle of the flash vaporised injector and some disadvantages?
**Flash Vaporised injector **
* Principle: large volume liquid samples (0.1-10 ml) injected via septum onto glass or metal block which is constantly swept with gas. Sample vaporises and is transported in the gas stream
* Disadvantages:
* Non-volatiles accumulate on block
* union between block and column can absorb compounds
* labile compounds can decompose
* introduces dead volume into system
Tell me about the on-column injector
Samples are placed directly on top of the column bed –> more precise method of sample injection. not generally heated
What are the types of injectors for open tubular columns?
- Split injection
- Splitless injection
Tell me the following about the split injectors:
* where it injects into
* why it may be used
* how it works
* split ratio
* advantages
* disadvantages
*** where it injects into **
* reliably inject onto capillary bed columns as are small
* A means of reducing sample volume for open tubular columns
* Only 0.1-10% of the 0.1-2mL injected sample reaches the column. The remainder is discarded
* The sample is **injected through the septum into the sample evaporisation zone
*** why it may be used **
* A means of reducing sample volume for open tubular columns
* how it works
* following injection, the carrier gas from the flow controller sweeps the sample through silanised glass wool, where complete vaporisation and good mixing occur
* At the split point, some of the sample enters the chromatography column, and the remainder goes through the split needle valve to a waste vent
* Involves an inlet stream splitter which enables most of the sample to be vented
* split ratio
* Split ratios: 20:1- 500:1
*** advantages **
* Advantages popular design, rugged and versatile
*** disadvantages **
* Disadvantages molecular boiling point (BP) and MW affects splitting, unsuitable for trace analysis
Tell me the following about the splitless injection:
* Where the sample is collected
* How it works
* Advantages
* How the effect of the matrix on the column is overcome
- Sample is collected in cold trap on top of column (>100 ˚c below BP of volatile components)
- Septum is purged to reduce sample flush-back and septum bleed during temperature programming
- Advantage: trace analysis possible
- Effect of matrix on column to overcome using pre-treatments such as SPE and SPME
What temperature does the injector inlet for the split/splitless need to be and why?
Injector inlet for split/splitless >50˚c higher than least volatile analyte to avoid discrimination of solutes
Draw a split/ splitless injector and label it
What is the operation of a split injector?
- Pressurise system with carrier gas
- Establish a septum purge flow rate- why do this?
- Open the split valve and adjust split ratio (leave closed for splitless injection)- why do we use split injection
- Inject sample to vaporisation zone
o Sample will vaporise, mix with carrier gas within the liner and split accordingly thereafter
o Majority of sample goes to waste
o This has a valve which can be opened so a small amount of sample goes into the column to avoid overloading. The rest becomes waste. Hence a split ratio
When making an injection onto a GC what is this usually through and what do you have to be careful with overtime?
- Type of GC septa
- High throughout laboratories can be changes daily
* Worn rubber or Sandwich type septum used to memory effects and hole generally closes after injection to minimise loss of carrier gas or reduce environmental effects - Worn under time and rubber can dislodge and go into evaporisation liner
- Ghost peaks are those which should not be there (occurs when rubber may interfere)
Draw and label a sandwich injection and why the compoenents are loaded the way that they are
- Approach used to inject sample and clean syringe
- Washed gas tight syringe takes in air
- Washing solvent (orange) taken up- clean and wet walls of syringe to improve volumetric accuracy and remove residual interference
- Air between wash and sample is used to avoid interference or lead to loss insensitively to broadening
- Final air is to avoid ambient contamination
- Another section of air then sample plug then another section of air
- Wash solvent may or may not be added
Sandwich injection is an injection technique in which two or three aliquots are drawn into the autosampler syringe from multiple vials, and injected into the GC inlet. The result is that the aliquots are simultaneously vaporized, mixed in the liner, and transferred as a single sample onto the GC column
Explain what is shown in this graph and how the different situations can arise
How can sample overloading be overcome?
Tell me about autosamplers
- Run sample in particular sequence
- Calibration
- Tall box is the injector mechanism
- Carousel can rotate or metal arm used to deposit samples
- Vials are generally glass and sealed with injection lined cap
- Connected to MSD
- This format is often used for online sample preparation methods like solid phase microextraction (SPME)
What type of columns are column ovens used for?
What is their temperature range and how this is achieved?
Column ovens
* Should be easily accessible; use with both packed and capillary columns, fast heat-up and cool down; temperature range sub ambient **(-50˚c to 450˚c) **
- Design: vertical vs. horizontal mounting
*** Use fans to add or remove heat **
How can temperature programming be used?
What are the different types?
Why may it be used?
- Temperature controls the proportion of solutes in the gas phase –> **controls retention time **
- Longer on stationary phase the longer the band has to spread
- Isothermal separations ≥ TBP for 2-30 min separations
- Ramp type gradient can be linear or curved and to add samples at set times.
- Gradient used to shorten run time, as seen in observations
Why may a gradient temperature program be used?
Gradient used to shorten run time, as seen in observations
* Observations:
o Shorter run time
o Sharper peals
o Increased signal-to-noise ratio
o Optimised resolution and k
o Useful for mixtures with broad BP range
o Slope of temperature ramp effects separation
What are the two types of gas chromatic formats and what are they?
o** Gas-solid chromatography (GSC)**- stationary phase is a solid possibly with a chemically bonded interaction phase
o Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC)- stationary phase is a liquid or semi-solid coated onto a solid support
What are the two types of column format?
o Packed column- spherical particles
o Open tubular (OT)- mostly a coated inner wall of a tube/ capillary
Compare packed and open-tubular GC columns
**Packed GC **
o 1-6m in length, 2-4mm i.d.; made of glass, copper, or stainless steel. Poor efficiency but cheaper than capillaries
**Open tubular GC **
o Made of open tubular fused silica (high quality quartz) coated with polyimide or aluminium and 10-100m in length, i.d. 0.1-0.75mm
o Capillary columns are less robust than packed columns, but working life can be extended by bonding the stationary phase onto the inner walls of the column
What are the different types of Open-tubular capillary GC columns?
- WCOT (Wall coated open tubular)- frequently used
- SCOT (support coated open tubular)
- PLOT (porous layer open tubular)
Tell me about WCOT (Wall coated open tubular)
o Liquid stationary phase coated onto inner wall
o Length 50-150m
o 0.1mm i.d. & 0.1 mm film most efficient
o Low capacity («0.1ml); MEGABORE less efficient, >0.5 mm i.d. and 1-5mm film
o Retention is longer on thicker films
Tell me about **SCOT (support coated open tubular) **
o 20m length
o Solid support absorbed onto walls and liquid stationary phase is then coated onto support
o 0.5 – 1.5 mm i.d.;
o Flow rates 4-10 ml/min
o Connections less critical and split injection not required
o Solid in form of particulate
o Used to increase capacity of column and increase surface area
Tell me about **PLOT (porous layer open tubular) **
o Prepared by extending the inner wall of the column with fused silica or elongated crystal deposits
o Solid on inner wall is stationary phase and no liquid phase on top
o Type of gas-solid chromatography
o Similar to SCOT
Representative properties of different columns used in GC
Compare the packed vs capillary columns
Open tubular columns…
o Much lower flow resistance
o Can be much longer and narrower than packed columns
o Very high plate counts
o High efficiencies
Why is Gas-solid chromatography not as popular as Gas-liquid chromatography?
o Non-linear adsorption isotherms –> asymmetric peaks –> less efficient
o Longer retention times (they are shorter and wider than capillary columns)
o Subject to possible catalytic reactions
o Difficult preparation and standardisation
o Lack of commercial availability
However, what are some advantages of Gas-solid chromatography?
o Stable of a wide range of temperatures
o No column bleed
o Better selectivity for geometric isomers, low molecular weight gases and inorganic gases; better retention due to increased SA
What are some different GSC sorbets?
- Silica and alumina
- Carbon
- Molecular sieves
Tell me the following about the silica and alumina GSC sorbet:
* How are the beads prepared
* What are the available forms
* What is it used for
* How is retention determined and how do the two compare
* other properties/ features
- Beads prepared from silica gel by heating at high temperatures (100-900˚c)
- Available in a variety of SA and pore sizes
- Used to separate low MW hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons
- Retention is determined by the specific SA, surface contamination and interactions with surface groups
- Retention on alumina is similar to that on silica
- Rapid isothermal analysis and high mass transfer rates
- Surface may be coated with a small amount of liquid or salt e.g., AgNO3
Tell me the following about the carbon GSC sorbet:
* How it is prepared
* what it is good for
* different interaction sites
* other features
- Graphitised carbon black, prepared by heating ordinary carbon blacks to 3000˚c in inert atmosphere –> graphite crystallites
- Homogeneous surface –> solute-surface interactions –> non-linear adsorption isotherms
- Good for separation of structure and geometric isomers
- Non-polar and polar interaction sites e.g., oxygen complexes and
- carbonium oxides
Tell me the following about the molecular sieve GSC sorbent:
* What forms it can be
* what its used for
* what retention depends on
* why hydration is important
- Natural or synthetic zeolites e.g., Na12(AlO2)(SiO2)12.27H2O
- Microporous
- Used for separation of low MW hydrocarbon from branched hydrocarbons; also for permanent gases (H2, O2, N2, CO2 and CH4)
- Retention depends on movement through pores
- Hydration is important water strongly retained by sieves column regenerated by heating (300˚c) flowing N2
What is GLC?
Gas-liquid chromatography where a liquid or semi-solid SP is immobilised on an inert solid support
What are the requirements for solid supports in GC?
o Inert
o Easily packed
o Large surface area
o Reproducible quality
What are the types of solid support in GLC?
Silica based
* Open tubular columns: glass capillary wall
* Diatomaceous Earth (silica skeletons of algae)
* Deactivation required to remove trace metals and SiOH (silanised)
* Packed columns: silanised glass beads
**Polymeric sorbents **
* Porous polystyrene
* PTFE- for very polar compounds
For the liquid stationary phase there are different types which can be used but what is the most used?
- Most used is dimethylpolysiloxane (DMS) (non-polar stationary phase)
- Dimethyl groups can be replaced by more polar groups e.g., phenyl groups, cyano groups, amine groups
- Can have polyglycol phases (very polar)
Draw the different variations of the DMS liquid stationary phase.
Why do we need both groups?
o Cyanol contain permanent dipole and phenyl do not
o Phenyl have delocalised electrons above and below benzene ring which can be pushed or pulled within close proximity of analyte with **permanent dipole- induced polarity. **
Advantage=when nonpolar analytes is present, don’t repel phenyl and still react via non-polar mechanisms
Aromatic compounds retain on phase very well
Polarity can be induced on phenol ring by perenmant dipole like ketone for better retention
“like retains like” in GC
Can use both phenyl and cyano if needs to be
With non-polar separation with the DMS stationary phase, what interactions would you expect to see?
o Van der waals forces predominate **
o No hydrogen bonding or ionic interactions **
o Substances separate in order of increasing BP i.e., the more volatile substances elute from the column first
What molecular interactions would you expect with DMS and phenyl and/or cyano phases?
**Semi-polar separation **
* On more polar columns (DMS/phenyl; DMS/cyano; DMS/ phenyl/cyano)
* Van der waals interactions will still occur **
* But depending on the degree of cross-functionalism…
o Emerging interactions occur which will influence separation: dipole-dipole; dipole-induced dipole will be more common; pi-pi interactions
o Substances still tend to separate in order of increasing BP but some substances will elute somewhat later than would be predicted from volatility considerations alone
Look into how to interpret retention behaviours…
What interactions are present in polar separation and how may this affect BP and retention times?
Polar separation
* On very polar Stationary Phases (SP) (polyglycol phases)
* Hydrogen bonding can occur
* Polar substances of similar BP to non-polar substances will have longer retention times (they will interact more strongly with the SP through H-bonding and hence will spend longer time associated with the SP and elute later than non-polar substances
* There will still be van der waals interactions between non-polar regions of SP and non-polar analytes/ non-polar regions of molecules
* **Van der waals are less than those in the dipole-dipole interactions **
Has the retention time of the following changed and why?
Look into…
What are some things to consider when choosing a stationary phase?
- If unsure about the sample content, begin method development phase with DMS phase
- Low bleed columns are more temperature stable
- Use least polar phase which results in adequate separation and time (non-polar phase= longer life)
- If targeted analysis, choose phase with similar polarity
- has an excellent column selection guide for GC
- Check the literature; somebody has probable done before and will quote column and conditions
Polarity of solutes/ analyte classes
** Generally non-polar/medium polarity compounds suitable for GC**
o Those with high polarity/ which are thermally liable can be derivatised to enhance volatility/ stability
o Increasing volatility decreases retention time (i.e., decreases BP)
o Alcohols and polyols can be considered polar
o Ketone is less polar than aldehyde
o Ether is non-ionisable
o Longer hydrocarbon chain the less polar it is
o Alkene has inducible polarty due to Pi-pi interactions, however less than benzene
o Polarity generally is logP (higher logP means the less polar it is)
What is a retention indices and the equation to calculate it?
- Retention indices relates the relative tr of a solute to a homologous series of alkanes- a means of comparing column performances for a target analyte (see Harris pg 535-537)
Kovats examples
Look up more and practice
What are some reasons for the derivatisation of compounds for GC analysis?
o Instability
o Lack of volatility
o Increases selectivity
o Reduce polar interactions
o Improve sensitivity
What are some common derivisation reactions and what is each?
*** Alkylation **
o Addition of an alkyl group, i.e., methyl, ethyl, propyl etc.
*** Arylation **
o Addition of an aromatic functionality, e.g., phenyl group
* Silylation
o Replacement of an acidic hydrogen on the compound with an alkyl silyl group, for example,-SiMe3
*** Acylation **
o Addition of an -RC=O functional group
*** Esterification **
o Conversion of an organic acid to an ester by reacting with alcohol
What are some different detectors used in GC?
- Flame ionisation detector (FID)*
- Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
- Electron capture detector (ECD)*
- Mass Spectrometric detector (MS or MSD)*
- Nitrogen/ phosphorous detector (NPD)
- Flame photometric detector (FPD)
What are the ideal detector characteristics for a GC?
- Adequate sensitivity for the application
o Is the application of a trave analysis nature or not? - Good stability and reproducibility
o Stability= read out constant in normal conditions. If not, then it’s a noisy detector. Chemical noise is due to chemical in mobile phase which could be impurity in carrier gas. drift is another type of noise which is increase/decrease overtime but no chromatographic conditions being altered
o Results in accurate and precise quantitation - Linear response
o Should extend over several orders of magnitude
o Sometimes this can be described by curvature (attempt should be made to find LOBF) - Operable temperature range for GC applications
o From room temperature(ambient) to 400˚c
o Need to be thermally stable
o Usually hotter than over to minimise band broadening - Short response time not limited by flow rate
o Peak definition and sampling frequency - High reliability
o Inexperienced uses, e.g., MS - Similarity in response for solutes
o May be limited in terms of selectivity
o Use of internal standards - Non-destructive of sample
Tell me the following about the flame ionisation detector (FID):
* detector used for what?
* insensitive to?
* How its used
* pros and cons
**Flame ionisation detector (FID) **
- Most widely used detector in GC and specific to most organic compounds
CH + O –> CHO+ + e- -
Insensitive to non-combustible gases, e.g.,
o Completely oxidised organics
o NOx, H2S, CO and CO2 - Pyrolyzed in hydrogen flame to produce electrons (jet)
- Potential difference of roughly 400V put across the flame and resulting current measured
- Mass sensitive detector rather than concentration sensitive measures the number of reduced carbon atoms in the flame
* High sensitivity (roughly 10-13 g/solute), large linear range (roughly 107), low noise and easy to use
* Destructive of sample
* Jet tip becomes dirty
* Air/ H2/ carrier gas purity
Tell me the following about nitrogen-phosphorous detectors (NPD):
* Whats used
* what the bead contains
* similarities/ differences to FID
Nitrogen-phosphorous detector (NPD)
- An electrically heated (600-800˚c) glass bead is placed above flame in an FID
- Bead contains caesium bromide or rubidium chloride
- In the presence of alkali metal atoms, organo-phosphorous or nitrogen-containing compounds burn to produce ionic species which are usually unstable
- Similar to FID
- In a normal FID, the ions produced by combustion of the sample decrease rapidly in concentration above the flame
- If the collector electron is moved away from the vicinity of the flame, little or no response is obtained under normal FID conditions.
- In contrast in the NPD, since the ions persist much longer, a selective response to N- or P- compounds is obtained
Tell me about the thermal conductivity detector (TCD):
* aka
* what it is and how it works
* what detection is based on
* features (pros/cons)
* not suitable for
**Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) **
- Sometimes referred to as a “katharometer”
- Electrically heated element whose resistance as a constant electrical power depends on the thermal conductivity(TC) of the surrounding gas
- Non-destructive of sample (no flame exists)
- Indirect detection mode
- TC of He or N2 gases»_space; most organic compounds (roughly 6 fold)
- Detection is based on reduction in TC by eluting solute molecules
- Reference cell and measurement cell format based on Wheatstone bridge circuitry i.e.,
o Channel 1: carrier gas only
o Channel 2:carrier gas + analytes - Has large linear range (roughly 105g/solute/mL)
- General detection mode for inorganic/organic species
- Non-destructive of sample
- Insensitive (roughly 10-8)
o Not suitable for trace analysis
o Not suitable for capillary GC
Draw the flow splitter for 2˚ TCD ref. cell
Tell me the following about the Electron capcture detector (ECD):
* What it is selective for
* What it is insensitive to
* What the gas is ionised by
* What the role of the electronegative analytes are
* type of response produced
* what type of approach it is based on
Electron capture detector (ECD)
- Selective for electronegative atoms
o Halogenative species, peroxides, quinones and nitro groups - Insensitive to amines, alcohols, and hydrocarbons
- Gas is ionised by H3 of Ni63 foil (beta emitter)
o Steady current
o Positive ions, radicals, and thermal electrons - Electronegative analytes capture electrons and reduce current
- Non-linear response: potential across detector is pulsed
- Narrow linear range of roughly 102
- Works on indirect approach
Tell me the following about flame photometric detector (FPD):
* What other detector it is similar to
* What compoundsit is similar t
* Typeof photons emitted
Flame photometric detector (FPD)
* Similar to FID
- Specific to Phosphor and Sulphur containing compounds
- Photos emitted of certain wavelengths pass through in line filter and signal amplified
Tell me the following about the mass spectrometric detector (MSD):
* What it detects
* What measurement requires
* The most common ionisation sources
**Mass spectrometric detector (MSD) **
* Detects analytes eluting from the column based on their mass-to-charge m/z ratio
- Measurement requires analytes to be ionised and in the gas phase
o GC applicability, now LC-MS available - Most common ionisation sources in GC are electron impact and chemical ionisation
Draw the schematic of a GC with an MSD
Draw a quadrupole schematic
Drug testing examples and what to think about
- Think about you sample and the analytes
o Are they organic?
o Are they volatile? Are they thermally liable?
o Is GC suitable at all? - How will I bypass matrix effects?
- Do I need to concentrate the sample?
- What detector?
- How do I get separation?
- Do I need a temperature program?
- Think outside the box!!
- Look up literature
- Comprehensive GC?
Practical examples
Further reading
- Go to and search for a journal article relative to a topic (e.g., within environmental, forensic, pharmaceutical analysis etc.) that you are interested in and if GC is used for analysis
- Note
o The analytes of interest and why GC was suitable
o The extraction method and why it was used
o The GC column and search the vendors web page
o The detector used and why it was chosen
o The thermal gradient employed and why it helped separation
o What are the competing techniques used for this type of analysis and how does GC compare?