Stationary, rotating anodes and KV equipment Flashcards
what form of anode is used with KV
what are the advantages of a stationary anode?
- constant stream of x-rays
- constant heat production which can be removed by a cooling system
what is the stationary anode made from?
it is a solid block
what is the focal spot
where the electrons are focused, in which the x-rays are produced
what are the rotating advantages?
- intense and instantaneous x-rays
- clear image
- faster, less likely to include movement
- heat is produced across the whole area obtained when the electrons hit the target
- tungsten is a good heat conductor, rhenium adds flexibility
describe the rotating anode
- rotates at high speeds, if not at the correct speed, little x-rays will be produced
- heat is dissipated by radiation
- minimal heat is conducted due to the stem preventing the transfer of heat backwards
- used in most imaging x-rays times
where is the beam less intense?
away from the CA
where do x-rays come from?
the applicator
name the equipment within a KV machine
- x-ray tube
- applicator system
- mechanical system
- control panel
what is the beam energy for kv equipment
50-300 kVp photons
below this won’t penetrate into the body
what is included within the stationary anode?
- high tension power supply
- cathode
- anode
- evacuated tube
- radiation protection
describe superficial RT
- it is low energy, which won’t penetrate the body, only a few cm deep.
- 50-150 kVp
- SXR = superficial X-ray
- SXT = superficial X-ray therapy
what is the target made from
90% = tungsten
10% = rhenium
why is an insulator used?
to maintain the current
describe the process of the stationary anode
- a current in passes through the wire
- electrons must have enough energy to be free from the wire
- a wire needs to be able to withstand the heat
- a stream of electrons is targeted at the copper block
- electrons form a negative cloud, creating an electrostatic force in all directions
- a current will choose a path of least resistance
- the cathode hood bunches the electrons together so it moves in a forward direction remaining in a one directional region
- remaining in this region causes absorption back into the filament, in order for the electrons to move a more positive area needs to be created (p.d either positive or neutral)
- stationary anode has a vacuum
- when electrons hit the stationary anode, bremsstrahlung occurs
- photons which pass through the edge aren’t absorbed by the anode
- electrons which hit the target will produce EM radiation and heat
- heat is taken away by the copper block and a oil cooling system