Statement of Cash Flows Flashcards
What is cash?
cash on hand and demand deposits
What are cash equivalents?
short term, highly liquid investments readily convertible into known amounts
What are operating activities?
derived from principle revenue producing activities and other activities that aren’t investing or financial
What are investing activities?
cash flows from acquisition and disposal of NCAs and other investments not included in cash equivalents
What are financing activities?
cash flows from activities that result in changes to equity capital and borrowings, and dividends paid
What methods are used for cash flow?
Indirect and Direct
What is the starting profit?
Profit before tax
Add or subtract depreciation?
Add or subtract gain/loss on sale of NCA?
Add or subtract increase/decrease in inventories?
Add or subtract increase/decrease in trade receivables?
Add or subtract increase/decrease in trade payables?
Add or subtract finance charge?
How to calculate tax/interest paid?
B/f balance + expense + PAID = c/f balance
Add or subtract payment to acquire new NCA?