State Statutes Flashcards
Learning Statutes that apply to the Assessor's Office
Which Statute requires a taxpayer to file an annual Personal Property Declaration with the
assessor of the town in which the personal property is subject to taxation?
What is §12-41
Which Statute provides that Connecticut registered motor vehicles are not to be included on a declaration. (Registered vehicles and snowmobiles may be included if they are
subject to taxation by a town other than the one in which they are registered.)?
What is §12-41
Which Statute provides for the imposition of a 25% assessment penalty when a taxpayer omits taxable personal property or fails to file. The penalty is not applicable if a
declaration is sent to the town where it must be filed and the postmark date (as
defined in §1-2a) is within the allowed filing period?
What is §12-41
Which Statute allows personal property owners to electronically file and sign annual personal property declarations on a form the assessor provides, as long as the municipality
(1) has the technological capability to accept electronic signatures and (2) agrees
to accept them?
What is §12-41
Which Statute states: Owners of manufacturing and biotechnology facilities use the exemption application that is part of the Personal Property Declaration to identify property eligible for the exemption under §12-81(76)?
What is §12-41
Which Statute states: Assessors may disclose commercial or financial information in a Personal Property Declaration to municipal officers for tax collection purposes. CGS §9-
185 defines municipal officers?
What is §12-41
Which Statute states: Tangible Personal Property does not include a sign placed on a property indicating that the property is for sale or lease.
What is §12-41
Which Statute provides that OPM is the successor to DRS (the agency that administers state taxes) in matters related to municipal finance, the assessment and taxation of
property and certain state grants to municipalities.
What is §12-1c and §12-1d
Which Statute sets forth the duties of the Secretary of OPM?
What is §12-2b
Which Statute states that OPM shall: Develop, in conjunction with DoAG, schedules of land values every five years, for property classified as farm, forest or open space under P.A. 490 (§12-107a to §12-107e, inclusive)?
What is §12-2b
Which Statute states that OPM shall: Develop regulations setting forth standards and testing for revaluation companies and their personnel, to ensure competence in property appraisal and valuation. (See RCSA §12-2b-1 to §12-2b-19). As the agency that administers
these regulations, OPM must:
a. Certify revaluation companies and their personnel to operate in the State of
b. Maintain lists of certified revaluation companies and, upon request, assist
towns in drafting contracts for revaluation; and
c. Conduct investigations of revaluation companies and/or their personnel and
withdraw certification, if necessary.
What is §12-2b
Which Statute states that OPM shall: Make inquiries concerning municipal tax collection.
What is §12-2b
Which Statute states that: OPM may hold meetings, conferences and/or schools for assessors, tax collectors and municipal finance officers?
What is §12-2b
Which Statute defines a revaluation company? Requires each such company to be certified and requires certifications to be renewed every five years?
What is §12-2c
Which Statute states that OPM can take any steps necessary to see that an assessor performs his duties in compliance with the law?
What is §12-4