State & Local Flashcards
Enterprise fund fixed assets
Capital projects fund accounts for
major production
General fixed assets
Accounted for in self balancing account group
Infrastructure fixed assets reporting is
Enterprise fund cash
Proprietary fund
General fund accounts for
property tax revenues
Custodial fund cash
Fiduciary fund
General long term debt accounted for in a
self balancing group
Special revenues fund revenues from
earmarked sources to finance activitws
Debt service fund accounts for
payment of interest and principal on tax supported debt
Federal grant for an alcohol & drug center
Special revenue fund
Contributions to firefighter pension plan
Pension trust fund
Claims paid from self insurance fund
Internal service fund
City pays taxes
Custodial fund
Interest payments on bond payables
Debt service
Bonds sold to finance new streets
Capital projects
Donated funds to an endowment to generate earnings to use to maintain a park
Permanent fund
Sales tax dedicated to abatement were collected
Special revenues
Equipment purchased for waste facilities
Enterprise fund
New fire truck using general revenues
General fund