Non Profit Overview Flashcards
Conditional pledges
No revenue recognized
Restricted contributions & unconditional pledges
Revenue with donor restrictions
Unrestricted contributions
Revenue without donor restrictions
A pledge of a 125,000 gift should be recognized only if
The pledge is viewed as an unconditional gift
What type of agreement represents a split interest
A charitable remainder trust
Endowments are on the
Statement of activities
Quasi endowment
Money set aside by board
Term endowment
Principal spent after certain amount of time
Board designated endowment
Principal spent a certain time
What is deducted from gross patient revenue
Discounts, adjusted contracts, implicit concession
What is deducted from gross tuition revenue
Scholarships, uncollectibles
If there is variance power or financially relation
If there is neither variance power or financial relation
Revenues when made
Revenues after actions happen
Main example of not for profits
Hospitals, colleges, other (frats, unions)
Contribution revenue formula
Fair value amount recieved - fv of resource gave up
A contribution in decemebwr year 1 restricted for use till March year 2 is reported as
Income in year 1
A pledge of 100 to be used for companies addition ; will not recieved for 3 years
Donor restricted revenue at present value of 100
The amount expected to be collected of a pledge amount is
Accrued as a pledge receivable and recorded as contribution revenue in period pledged
If collection of a pledge will be more than one year it should be
Reported using present value
If there is a donor imposed condition, revenue is not
Recognized until conditions are satisfied
Statement of financial position is similar to
Balance sheet
Assets - liabilities =
Residual interests
Net assets without donor restrictions are
Available for general use
Assets set aside by board since true true restrictions must be external
Net assets without donor restrictions
Net assets w donor restrictions can be classified as
Temporary or permanent
The two types of temporary restrictions
Purpose & time
Equity section on balance sheet is replaced by
Net assets
Statement of activities is similar to
Income statement
Appropriate characterization of net assets is
Residual interest
Not for profits are what kind of accounting
Financial statements are on a
Economic resource measurement focus
Contributions restricted for long term purposes are in what section
Unrestricted contributions are in what section
Contributions subject to temporary restrictions are under
Operating inflows (UER)
Unrestricted contributions, exchange revenue, revenue restricted to operating
Operating Outflows (EG)
Expenses paid, grants
Investing inflows
Proceeds from sales of assets or art
Investing outflows
Payment of asset purchases
Financing has
Two subsections
One of the two financing subsections are
Proceeds from contributions with long term donor restrictions
The second subsection in financing is
Other financing activities such as proceeds from principal payments on long term debt
Unrestricted cash contributions is a
Operating inflow
Cash contributions restricted by donor for property is a
Financing inflow
Cash expenditures to acquire property via donation is a
Investing outflow
Contribution for construction a new building is under
Donor restricted cash contributions for long term purposes
Financing inflow
Cost of a dorm for a private university
Operating sections starts with
Total change in net assets
Main things in notes of NFP (SDFE)
Statement of functional expenses
Donated works of art not recognized
Financial liquidity & flexibility
Endowment details
What to report about endowments in notes (NIU)
Net asset classification and changes
Investing & spending policies
Underwater endowment is when
FV at reporting date is less than the original value or amount required to be maintained
4 sections to statement of activities (RNEC)
Revenues & gains
Net assets released from restrictions
Change in net assets
Property & investments reported at
Fair value
Professional services included only if
Would have paid for them
Revenues and gains are separated into
Cash & other financial assets
Non financial assets
Net assets released does what
Reclassifies “with restrictions” to without
Expenses only reported in
Without donor restrictions column
NPO are to recognize
Change in net assets is similar to
Net income ; on bottom line
Change in net assets closed to
Net asset balances on statements of financial position
Revenues & expenses are reported at ; secondary activities
Gross amounts ; net amounts
Two categories in statement of functional expenses
Program & supporting
Program activities are
Directly related to program (training, research, emergency relief, education)
Supporting activitied are
Secondary (management and general such as marketing, taxes, fundraising)
NFP depreciable assets include
Buildings, machines, computers, furniture
Supporting activies (CFR)
Conducting memberships, fundraising, record keeping & budgeting