State 2 Midterm 1 PQ Flashcards
Rift Valley Fever is a serious zoonotic disease controlled by strict stamping out in EU?
F (since its happening in Africa, not EU?)
For the officially free Brucella status in bovines all herd animals over 6 weeks should be tested?
F (over 12 months)
In case of AFB outbreak during non-brooding period the observation can be much longer than 60 days?
In case of notifiable disease outbreak during observation the colonies must not be moved at all within the 5 km protection zone?
If no vaccine has been used FMD free status can be recovered if at least 3 months have elapsed after the last recorded outbreak?
The maximum incubation period defined for glanders is 90 days
F (range from a few days to many months; suspected of being infected if in contact with D or SD horse within 180 days)
In case of confirmation of African horse sickness outbreak there is obligatory emergency vaccination within the 20km zone around the infected holding
The official control measures within the protection zone in case of African horse sickness outbreak shall be in force for a minimum of 21 days
F (minimum 12 months)
If swelling is observed with an increase of not more than 2 mms in thickness of the fold w/ out local clinical signs, the single intradermal test is negative?
If local clinical signs are observed but the increase in the thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site is not more than 4 mm, the single intradermal tuberculin test is negative
The maximum incubation period defined for rabbit haemorrhagic disease is 30 days
The rabbits suspected of being diseased with myxomatosis may be vaccinated by the authorization of the competent veterinary authority
In the case of confirmation of African horse sickness outbreak only the infected horse shall be killed
The maximum incubation period is 40 days for all notifiable pig diseases
F?? (Since FMD inc periode is 14 days, but could be a trick question since all inc periods are below 40 days) (NB! Should check)
For the officially enzootic bovine leucosis free status of the bovine herd all animals over 6 weeks of ages skall be tested
F (24 months)
For the officially brucellosis free status of the bovine herd all animals over 6 weeks of age shall be tested
F (12 months)
Marker vaccine can be used for the African swine Fever emergency vaccination of domestic pigs
For the officially IBR-free status of the bovine herd all animals over 6 months of age shall be tested
If local clinical signs are observed but the increase in the thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site is not more than 4 mm, the single intradermal tuberculin test is negative
The sheep disease with scabies shall be treated and the keeping place and equipment shall be disinfected parallelly
The animal suspected of being infected with anthrax shall be immediately separated and vaccinated