State 1-29 Flashcards
The 3’Rs
• replacement of animals with non-animal techniques • reduce the number of animals • refinement of experimental methods
Animal suspected of being contaminated with Scabies
• direct or indirect contact diseased or suspected of being diseased animals within 42 days • no yearly treatment carried out in sheep • sheep introduced into the herd without isolation
Animal welfare rules of surgical interventions on piglets
• tail docking or reduction of corner teeth: not routinely, only when there is evidence of injuries; tooth clipping: within 7 days of birth • if practised, the castration of male pigs or tail docking after 7 days of age: only under anaesthetic and additional prolonged analgesia by a veterinarian
Animals diseased with Glanders
typical clinical signs non-typical clinical signs but immunodiagnostic test „+” no clinical signs but repeated immunodiagnostic test „+”
Aujeszky - control of free status
the ban on AD vaccination remains in force; measures aimed at preventing the transmission of the AD virus from feral pigs to domestic pigs remain in force. additional targeted serological and clinical investigations of holdings which present a high risk of AD virus introduction; serological surveys directed at the detection of antibodies to the whole AD virus on a statistically significant number of holdings every year.
Category 1 animal materials
• all body parts, including hides and skins, of the following animals o animals suspected of being infected by a TSE or in which the pres-ence of a TSE has been officially confirmed o animals killed in the context of TSE eradication measures o animal other than farmed animals and wild animals o experimental animals o wild animals, when suspected of being infected with diseases communicable to humans or animals • specified risk material • animal by-products derived from animals which have been submitted to illegal treatment • animal by-products containing residues of other substances and environmental contaminants, if such residues exceed the permitted level • all animal material collected when treating waste water from Category 1 proc-essing plants and other premises in which SRM is removed • catering water from means of transport operating internationally • mixtures of Category 1 material with either Category 2 or Category 3 material or both
Confirmation of Classical Swine Fever at a slaughter house
• all susceptible animals are present must be killed • new animals may not be reintroduced until 24 hours after the completion of cleaning and disinfection • the carcasses, offal and animal waste of possibly contaminated pigs must be processed under official supervision
Country free from CBPP infection
• continuously free from CBPP from at least 10 years • no vaccination for at least 10 years • no clinical or pathological evidence for at least 10 years • adequate disease surveillance and reporting system • use of diagnostic procedures capable of differentiating Mycoplasma infec-tions
• these are binding in all aspects upon those to whom they are addressed • may be addressed to any or all Member States, to undertakings or to indi-viduals
Definition of cruelty to animals in criminal law.
• any person who engages in the unjustified abuse or mistreatment of verte-brate animals resulting in permanent damage to the animal’s health or in the animal’s destruction • or who abandons, dispossesses or expels a domesticated vertebrate animal or a dangerous animal
Definition of DIVA for Avian influenza
• a vaccination strategy that enables differentiation to be made between vaccinated/infected and vaccinated/non-infected animals through the appli-cation of a diagnostic test designed to detect antibodies again the field vi-rus and the use of non-vaccinated sentinel birds
Définition of long journey
• a journey that exceeds 8 hours starting from when the first animal of the consignment is moved
Definition of rabid animal
means an animal in which unquestionable laboratory tests have confirmed rabies;
Directives in the EU
• bind Member States as to the objectives to be achieved while leaving the na-tional authorities the power to choose the form and means to be used
Objectives of the OIE
• to inform Governments about the occurrence and course of diseases of ani-mals through the world and way of controlling these diseases • to provide co-ordination at an international level for studies devotes to the surveillance and control of animal diseases • examine regulation for trade in animals and their products • give priority to the welfare of animals used in agriculture and aquaculture and to identify animal welfare research needs