Stat: Data Collection Flashcards
Primary data
The data is collected by, or on behalf of, the person who is going to use the data.
Secondary Data
The data is not collected by, nor on behalf of, the person who is to use the data. The data are second hand.
The whole set of individuals or items that are of interest.
Every member of the population is observed or measured.
- A carefully selected sub-set of the population.
- It should be representative of the population.
Sample Survey
This where information about the population is found out from the information obtained from sample.
Sampling Unit
An individual member of the population.
Sampling Frame
A list identifying every single sampling unit that is in the population.
Random Sample meaning
Every possible sample of size n has an equal chance of being selected.
Simple Random Number Sampling
- Each item or individual is given a number.
- Selection is then carried out via random number tables or generators.
- (random numbers generated using a calculator or Electronic random number indicating Equipment)
Systematic Sampling
Elements are chosen at regular intervals from an ordered list.
- (if sample size is 20 from a population of 100, you’d take every fifth person 100/20)
Stratified Sampling
- Population is divided into mutually exclusive strata.
- A simple random sample is taken from each strata.
- The proportion of each strata in the sample is the same as that in the population.
Stratified sampling formula
the no. sampled in a stratum= no. in stratum/ no. in a population x overall sample size
Quota Sampling
- Population is dvided into groups of gender, social class, etc.
- Number of individuals selected is set to reflect the population.
Opportunity sampling
- taking the sample from people who are available at the time the study is carried out
Census Advantages
- It should give a completely accurate result.
Census Disadvantages
- It is time consuming and expensive.
- It cannot be used when testing leads to destruction (e.g testing lifetime of batteries)
- lots of data, so can be difficult to process.
Sample survey Advantages
- It is cheaper than a Census.
- Results are quicker compared to a Census.
- Less data to deal with than a Census.
Sample survey Disadvantages
The data may not be as accurate, so sample is not representative of the population.
- Sample may not be large enough to provide information about the small sub- groups of the population.
Random sampling with replacement
Each unit is replaced back into the population before the next selection is made. So each unit can appear more than once in the sample.
Sampling without replacement
If a unit is selected, it’s not replaced. So for each draw only the sampling units that have not been selected previously are eligible for the next draw.
Quota sampling advantages
- quick since a representative sample can be achieved with a small sample size
- cheap
- easy
Quota sampling disadvantages
- can introduce bias by person picking sampling units
- inaccurate since it’s impossible to estimate the sampling errors as the process is not a random process
- non responses are not recorded
Opportunity sampling advantages
- easy to carry out
- cheap