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Verbs in Japanese change their endings to create new meanings about that verb.
For example, in English to say “I want to buy”, you have the Verb “to buy” and then another word altogether to say that you “ want “ to do that thing.

In Japanese, you use the verb “to buy” and then just change the ending to say you “want” to do it.

In this example, “to buy” is “かう”(Ka-u)
The ending “want” is “たい” (Ta-i)

To say “want to buy”
you say “かいたい”(ka-i-ta-i)


Start with learning the “rules” of how you change the verbs to a format where you can add endings…( in the above example you changed “ka-u” to “ka-i”) then just add whatever ending you want.

To show you how useful this is here is some examples of endings you can use that are just different endings you can tack on to any verb…

Want to do
Wanted to do
Should do
Need to do
Can do
Able to do
Might do
Will do
Won’t do
Couldn’t do
Don’t want to do
Etc etc

They are all just different endings you can add to the verb.
So learn 5 verbs and suddenly you have 30 different meanings you can use.


Read the first side (this side) and then think of the answer, if you knew it perfectly press 5 below the card, if you didn’t know it at all press 1.

All the answers have no English roman letters. You may as well learn the hiragana at the same time right?!

To continue press this screen.


If you have got all this info, press 5!

And start with rules on the verb modifiers, or start learning the 70 odd basic verbs.

Good luck!

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