Stars and Galaxies Flashcards
Patterns of stars in the night sky are
Characteristics used to classify stars
Color ,temperature ,size, composition and brightness
Absolute magnitude
Measure of the amount of light a star gives off
Apparent magnitude
Measure of the amount of light received on earth
Light year
Distance that light travels in one year
9.5 trill km
Range of wavelengths
Used to spread light into different wavelengths
When is a star born
When the contracting gas from a nebula become so dense and hot that a nuclear fusion starts
Large cloud
What happens after a star runs out of fuel
It becomes a white dwarf, nuetron star, or a black hole
Star systems
Groups of two or more stars
Huge group of single stars, star system, star clusters, dust and gas bound together by gravity
Has bulge in the middle and arms spiral outward
Round or flattened balls; contain only old stars
No regular shapes; generally bright young stars