Earths Motion Flashcards
Suns core temp.
Over 15,000,000 degrees Celsius
Reaching temperatures of 5,600 degrees Celsius
Small part of this energy reaches earth as light and thermal energy
Follows a path
Due to what does the Earth orbit around the sun every 365.24 days
Gravitational pull
Spins on its rotational axis
Why do different parts of the earth receive different amounts of sunlight
Because the earth is curved
Elongated closed curve
What causes the seasons
The tilt of earths rotation axis combined w/ earths motion around the sun
What causes the Suns radiation to strike the atmosphere at different angles
Earths tilt
Day when earths rotation axis is mostly towards or away from the sun
June(summer) 20/21
Dec( winter)21/22
Day when earths rotation is neither towards nor away from the sun
March(spring) 20/21
Sept(fall) 22/23