Star Wars MBTI Personalities Flashcards
Owen Lars, Luke’s Adoptive Father
Responsible, loyal and hard working. Has an acute sense of right and wrong and works to preserve established traditions. Somewhat reserved and prefers to work alone. but can make a great team member if the need arises. Characterized by the ability to work hard and make sacrifices to keep society running smoothly.
ISTJ, The Logistician (or The Inspector)
A practical and fact minded individual, whose reliability cannot be doubted.
Traditional, loyal, quiet, and kind. Extremely intuitive about people and sensitive to others needs. Often fear change and work hard to maintain peace and order. Tend to serve behind the scenes without seeking recognition. Like routine and possess excellent follow through skills. Characterized by the ability to identify the needs of others and meet them seemlessly.
ISFJ, The Defender (or The Protector)
Very dedicated and warm protector, always ready to defend their loved ones.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Introspective, caring, sensitive and complex. Strive for peace and seek to develop and guide others. Value self-control and the pursuit of the greater good. Live their lives with a great purpose, and devoted to the causes they believe in. Characerized by the ability to connect with the essence of others and to identify their strengths.
INFJ, The Advocate (or The Counselor)
Senator Palpatine
Objective, independent, thorough, and adaptable, with well developed powers of concentration. Natural leaders who strive for perfection. Talented in bringing ideas from conception to reality. Expect perfection from themselves as well as others. Characterized by their desire to produce mastery and achievement that reflects their brilliance.
INTJ, The Architect (or The Mastermind)
Independent and adventurous, yet quiet and reserved. Interested in how and why things work. Adaptable and spontaneous, likes to live in the moment. Loyal to their peers and to their internal value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting rules if they get in the way. Characterized by their ability to get things done.
ISTP, The Virtuoso (or The Crafter)
Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.
Bail Organa
Quiet, serious, sensitive, and kind. Loyal and faithful, dislike conlict. Have a keen appreciation for beauty due to their highly developed senses. Likely to be original and creative. Highly affectionate, but can be difficult to get to know. Live in the present and yearn for freedom. Characterized by their desire to help and contribute to the well-being of others.
ISFP, The Adventurer (or The Artist)
A flexible and charming artist, always ready to explore and experience something new.
Luke Skywalker
Introspective, private, creative, and highly idealistic. Driven by his values, and interested in helping people and serving humanity. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Imaginative, often talented in language and writing. Characterized by his ability to be present with another person on a deep level.
INFP, The Mediator (or The Idealist)
Poetic, kind and altruistic. Always eager to help a good cause.
Logical, original, reserved, and curious. Focus on ideas, theories, and explanations. Have a calm, serious exterior, but a deeply passionate soul. Appreciate and respect intelligence in others. Have a strong ability to stay on task. Characterized by their ability to design sophisticated systems and theories that improve the lives of others.
INTP, The Logician (or The Architect)
Innovative with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Han Solo
Friendly, adaptable, and action oriented doer who is focused on immediate results. Thinks on his feet and thrives in crises. Informal risk taker who lives a fast paced life. Never allows rules to get in the way of his ambtion. Straightforward and realistic, takes criticism well. Characterized by their ability to get things done and work well with others.
ESTP, The Entrepreneur (or The Promoter)
Smart, energetic, and very perceptive person who truly lives life on the edge.
Wicket, The Jub Jub
Outgoing, friendly, and fun loving. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Loves new experiences and lives for the moment. Adapts readily to new people and environments, can get bored easily. Enjoys material comforts and wants the best of what life has to offer. Characterized by his ability to create a positive experience for others.
ESFP, The Entertainer (or The Performer)
Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic - life is never boring around him.
Qui-Gon Jinn
Enthusiastic, idealistic, inspiring and creative. Actively advocate for what they feel to be important, attracting others to their causes with excellent people skills, warmth, and positivity. Excited by new ideas but tend to get bored with details. Characterized by their ability to inspire and motivate others with their enthusiasm and passion for life.
ENFP, The Campaigner (or The Champion)
Creative and sociable free spirit, who can always find a reason to smile.
Quick, innovative, curious and resourceful. Excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions. Introspective and carefree nonconformists who are bored by routine. Thrive at finding crafty solutions to technical problems. Characterized by their ability to pursue and succeed at any risktaking venture.
ENTP, The Debater (or The Inventor)
Smart and curious thinker who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.
Darth Vader
Practical, realisitic, organized, and strategic. Possess natural leadership qualities. Strict boundary setters who take personal responsibility very seriously. Intensely focused on getting results and seek ways to do so in the most efficient way possible. Characterized by their ability to preserve traditions and provide security for their loved ones.
ESTJ, The Executive (or The Supervisor)
An excellent administrator, unsurpassed at managing resources.
Jar Jar Binks
Warmhearted, conscientious, and popular. Tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. Sensitive to criticism and need positive reinforcement to feel good abouit themselves. Supportive and generous, can sometimes come across as overbearing due to their capacity for empathy. Characterized by their genuine concern for others, which drives everything they do.
ESFJ, The Consul (or The Provider)
Extraordinarily caring, social and popular people, always eager to help.
Padme Amidala
Warm, empathetic, and charismatic with excellent people skills. Highly sensitive to the emotions and needs of others, likely to find hidden potential in others and strive to help them fulfill it. Take their obligations to others very seriously. Characterized by their ability to help develop others, and making a lasting difference in people’s lives.
ENFJ, The Protagonist (or The Giver)
Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.
Leia Organa
Assertive, strategic, and decisive, with a natural desire to lead. Intelligent and well-informed, value knowledge and competence. Are quick to see illogical and inefficient systems, and develop intelligent solutions in response. Characterized by their ability to lead confidently and reach goals with excellence.
ENTJ, The Commander (or The Executive)
Bold, imaginative and strong willed leader, always finding a way or making one.