Personality Strengths in Depth Flashcards
Quick, Imaginative and Strategic
Proud of their minds.
Take opportunities to improve their knowledge.
Insatiably curious.
Loves an intellectual challenge.
See things from many perspectives.
Plan all courses of action and possible scenarios.
INTJ, The Architect
High Self Confidence
Trust their rationalism.
Honest direct style of communication.
If they’re right, they’re right.
INTJ, The Architect
Independent and Decisive
Creativity forms individuals who stand on their own.
Take responsibility for their actions.
Not easily impressed.
An idea is most rational or its wrong.
Only swayed by people who remain calm int heir arguments.
INTJ, The Architect
Hard Working and Determined Astonishingly dedicated when they are interested. Incredibly efficient. Elaborate laziness. Bypass redundancies.
INTJ, The Architect
Rationalism leads them to intellectually receptive mind.
Open to new ideas supported by logic.
Fairly liberal social senses.
INTJ, The Architect
Jack of All Trades
Intellectual competency creates capability to do anything they set their mind to.
Reverse engineer any methodology.
Their pick of professions.
INTJ, The Architect
Great Analysts and Abstract Thinkers
View the world as a big machine with interrelated parts.
Excel at analyzing connections.
See seemingly unrelated factors.
INTP, The Logician
Imaginative and Original
Unrelenting imagination
Ideas seem counter intuitive at a glance
Remarkable innovators
INTP, The Logician
When interested, they are enthusiastic, otherwise can be reserved
Love to share interests with other people for discussion purposes.
Outward evidence of enthusiasm is not evident.
INTP, The Logician
A conduit for the truth around them
A theoretical mediator
INTP, The Logician
Honest and Straightforward
Believe truth is always the most important factor and should be appreciated and reciprocated
INTP, The Logician
See inefficiency as a challenge to their long term plans
…akin to sabotage
And will root out irrationality and laziness
ENTJ, The Commander
Energized by leading teams forward to implement goals
ENTJ, The Commander
Trust in their abilities, make their opinions known, and believe in themselves as leaders
ENTJ, The Commander
Don’t give up easily
Strive to achieve goals
Extremely satisfied to rise to the challenge of an obstacle
ENTJ, The Commander
Strategic Thinkers
Examine every angle of a problem
Resolve moment to moment crises and keep an eye on the big picture
ENTJ, The Commander
Charismatic and Inspiring
Inspire invigorate others
Wanted by their followers
Need followers to accomplish goals that they could not finish alone
ENTJ, The Commander
Rarely pass up an oppourtunity to learn
Enjoy abstract concepts
ENTP, The Debater
Quick Thinkers
Tremendously flexible minds
Shift from one idea to another with minmal effort
ENTP, The Debater
Original Not attached to tradition Discard existing systems and methods Formulate bold new ideas Gleefully destroy a system to build a new one
ENTP, The Debater
Excellent Brainstormer
Enjoys analyzing from different angles to find the best solution
Combines knowledge and creativity
Irreplaceable in a brainstorming session
ENTP, The Debater
Quick with words and wit
Confident and quick thinking
Charming and informative
ENTP, The Debater
Impressive in both enthusiasm and energy when chasing the solution to a problem
ENTP, The Debater
A vivid imagination with a sense of compassion
Enjoy solving human issues
INFJ, The Advocate
Sees through dishonesty and disingenuous motives
See how people and events are connected
INFJ, The Advocate
Inspiring and Convincing
Speak in human terms, not technical
Fluid, inspirationl writing style
INFJ, The Advocate
Creativity, insight, and inspiration can have real world impact
Follow through with conviction, willpower, and planning
INFJ, The Advocate
Determined and Passionate
If something is important to them, they pursue it with conviction and energy
Passion for their chosen cause is inseparable
INFJ, The Advocate
Strong beliefs and take actions to advance an idea
INFJ, The Advocate
Friends and loved ones admire and depend on them for their optimism
Unshakable belief that all people are good
Incredibly resilient in the face of hardship
INFP, The Mediator
Seek and Value Harmony No interest in power over others Don't appreciate domineering attitudes Democratic approaches Like every voice to be heard
INFP, The Mediator
Open-Minded and Flexible
Live and let live attitude
Dislike constraints of rules
Give benefit of the doubt
INFP, The Mediator
Very Creative
See things from unconventional perspective
Connect many far flung dots into a single theme
Celebrated poets and authors
INFP, The Mediator
Passionate and Energetic
Dedicate themselves to projects that capture their imagination and beliefs
Shyness keeps them out of the limelight
First to lend a helping hand when it’s needed
INFP, The Mediator
Dedicated and Hard-Working
Benefit from far reaching vision
Derive sense of purpose and courage from doing things meaningful to other people
INFP, The Mediator
Tolerant True team players Listen to other peoples opinions Admit they don't have all the answers Receptive to dissent, if it's constructive
ENFJ, The Protagonist