Personality Strengths in Depth Flashcards
Quick, Imaginative and Strategic
Proud of their minds.
Take opportunities to improve their knowledge.
Insatiably curious.
Loves an intellectual challenge.
See things from many perspectives.
Plan all courses of action and possible scenarios.
INTJ, The Architect
High Self Confidence
Trust their rationalism.
Honest direct style of communication.
If they’re right, they’re right.
INTJ, The Architect
Independent and Decisive
Creativity forms individuals who stand on their own.
Take responsibility for their actions.
Not easily impressed.
An idea is most rational or its wrong.
Only swayed by people who remain calm int heir arguments.
INTJ, The Architect
Hard Working and Determined Astonishingly dedicated when they are interested. Incredibly efficient. Elaborate laziness. Bypass redundancies.
INTJ, The Architect
Rationalism leads them to intellectually receptive mind.
Open to new ideas supported by logic.
Fairly liberal social senses.
INTJ, The Architect
Jack of All Trades
Intellectual competency creates capability to do anything they set their mind to.
Reverse engineer any methodology.
Their pick of professions.
INTJ, The Architect
Great Analysts and Abstract Thinkers
View the world as a big machine with interrelated parts.
Excel at analyzing connections.
See seemingly unrelated factors.
INTP, The Logician
Imaginative and Original
Unrelenting imagination
Ideas seem counter intuitive at a glance
Remarkable innovators
INTP, The Logician
When interested, they are enthusiastic, otherwise can be reserved
Love to share interests with other people for discussion purposes.
Outward evidence of enthusiasm is not evident.
INTP, The Logician
A conduit for the truth around them
A theoretical mediator
INTP, The Logician
Honest and Straightforward
Believe truth is always the most important factor and should be appreciated and reciprocated
INTP, The Logician
See inefficiency as a challenge to their long term plans
…akin to sabotage
And will root out irrationality and laziness
ENTJ, The Commander
Energized by leading teams forward to implement goals
ENTJ, The Commander
Trust in their abilities, make their opinions known, and believe in themselves as leaders
ENTJ, The Commander
Don’t give up easily
Strive to achieve goals
Extremely satisfied to rise to the challenge of an obstacle
ENTJ, The Commander
Strategic Thinkers
Examine every angle of a problem
Resolve moment to moment crises and keep an eye on the big picture
ENTJ, The Commander
Charismatic and Inspiring
Inspire invigorate others
Wanted by their followers
Need followers to accomplish goals that they could not finish alone
ENTJ, The Commander
Rarely pass up an oppourtunity to learn
Enjoy abstract concepts
ENTP, The Debater
Quick Thinkers
Tremendously flexible minds
Shift from one idea to another with minmal effort
ENTP, The Debater
Original Not attached to tradition Discard existing systems and methods Formulate bold new ideas Gleefully destroy a system to build a new one
ENTP, The Debater
Excellent Brainstormer
Enjoys analyzing from different angles to find the best solution
Combines knowledge and creativity
Irreplaceable in a brainstorming session
ENTP, The Debater
Quick with words and wit
Confident and quick thinking
Charming and informative
ENTP, The Debater
Impressive in both enthusiasm and energy when chasing the solution to a problem
ENTP, The Debater
A vivid imagination with a sense of compassion
Enjoy solving human issues
INFJ, The Advocate
Sees through dishonesty and disingenuous motives
See how people and events are connected
INFJ, The Advocate
Inspiring and Convincing
Speak in human terms, not technical
Fluid, inspirationl writing style
INFJ, The Advocate
Creativity, insight, and inspiration can have real world impact
Follow through with conviction, willpower, and planning
INFJ, The Advocate
Determined and Passionate
If something is important to them, they pursue it with conviction and energy
Passion for their chosen cause is inseparable
INFJ, The Advocate
Strong beliefs and take actions to advance an idea
INFJ, The Advocate
Friends and loved ones admire and depend on them for their optimism
Unshakable belief that all people are good
Incredibly resilient in the face of hardship
INFP, The Mediator
Seek and Value Harmony No interest in power over others Don't appreciate domineering attitudes Democratic approaches Like every voice to be heard
INFP, The Mediator
Open-Minded and Flexible
Live and let live attitude
Dislike constraints of rules
Give benefit of the doubt
INFP, The Mediator
Very Creative
See things from unconventional perspective
Connect many far flung dots into a single theme
Celebrated poets and authors
INFP, The Mediator
Passionate and Energetic
Dedicate themselves to projects that capture their imagination and beliefs
Shyness keeps them out of the limelight
First to lend a helping hand when it’s needed
INFP, The Mediator
Dedicated and Hard-Working
Benefit from far reaching vision
Derive sense of purpose and courage from doing things meaningful to other people
INFP, The Mediator
Tolerant True team players Listen to other peoples opinions Admit they don't have all the answers Receptive to dissent, if it's constructive
ENFJ, The Protagonist
Bothered most by letting down a person or cause they believe in
Always want to see things through
ENFJ, The Protagonist
Charming and popular
Instinctively knkow how to capture an audience
Pickup on moods and motives so they can communicate with reason, emotion, passion and restraint as a situation demands
Talented imitators
Shift tone and manner to reflect the audience
ENFJ, The Protagonist
Unyielding desire to do good for their communities
Warm and selfless
Believe bringing people together does good
ENFJ, The Protagonist
Natural Leaders
Often requested to join leadership by admirers of their strong personality and positive vision
ENFJ, The Protagonist
Don’t often brood
Go out and experience things
Don’t hesitate to step out of comfort zones
See all things as a big mysterious puzzle called life
ENFP, The Campaigner
Believe there are no irrelevant actions
Everything sentiment, move and idea is part of something bigger
Try to notice everything, and never miss a moment
ENFP, The Campaigner
Energetic and Enthusiastic Observe and build ideas about the world Excited to share their findings Infectious enthusiasm Love hearing their Friends opinions to fit into their existing ideas
ENFP, The Campaigner
Excellent Communicators
Strong people skills
Never express these ideas
Enjoy small talk and deep meaningful discussions
Adept at steering conversations towards their desired subjects in very natural manner
ENFP, The Campaigner
Know How to Relax
Balance having fun with nature o the universe type discussions
Enjoy life’s joys
Their intuition lets them know when it’s time to shake things up
Wild bursts of enthusiastic energy
ENFP, The Campaigner
Very Popular and Friendly Adaptability and spontaneity form an approachable and interesting person with cooperation and altruism in their friendly nature An empathetic disposition Get along with almost anyone Large circles of Friends
ENFP, The Campaigner
Honest and Direct
Entire personality built around integrity
Manipulation, mind games, and reassuring lies all run counter to their style
Manage their encounters with plain and simple honesty
ISTJ, The Logistician
Strong Willed and Dutiful
Embody integrity in their actions
Work hard and focus on their goals
Patient, and determined always meet their obligations
ISTJ, The Logistician
Very Responsible
Word is a promise and promises mean everything
Run themselves into the ground rather than fail to deliver
Loyalty is a part of their core
Fulfill their duties and commitments
ISTJ, The Logistician
Calm and Practical
Rarely lose their temper or breakdown in the face of hardship
Make clear rational decisions
Make the use of peoples individual qualities
Decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more than empathy
ISTJ, The Logistician
Create and Enforce Order
Goal is always to be effective at their chosen goal
Irked by people who break established rules or unclear guidelines given to them
Structure and rules foster dependability
Chaos creates unforeseen setbacks and missed deadlines
ISTJ, The Logistician
Jack of all Trades
Proud repository of knowledge
Emphasis is on hard facts and statistic rather than concepts and underlying principles
Can apply themselves to many situations
Pickup and apply new data
Grasp the details of challenging situations as a matter of course
ISTJ, The Logistician
Universal helpers, sharing their knowledge experience time and energy with anyone and put an emphasis on assisting Friends and Family
ISFJ, The Defender
Reliable and Patient
Meticulous and careful
Take a steady approach and bend with the needs of the situation
Ensure things are done to high standards, go well beyond what is required
ISFJ, The Defender
Imaginative and Observant
Very imaginative and use it with their empathy to see other peoples perspectives
Keep their feet firmly planted on the ground
Practical imagination
Often find things fascinating and inspiring
ISFJ, The Defender
When the goal is right, take all their reliability and imagination, and apply it to what will make a difference in people’s lives, on a large or small scale
ISFJ, The Defender
Loyal and Hard Working
Enthusiasm grows into loyalty and become emotionally attached to ideas and oraganizations
They fail their own expectations if they dont put in the good hard work
ISFJ, The Defender
Good Practical Skills
Practical sense to do something with their altruism
If mundane, routine tasks are what need to be done, they see the beauty and harmony in that because it help them to care for people
ISFJ, The Defender
Seeing things to completion is an ethical obligation
Accomplish their goals because it is the right thing to do and see them through as long as they remain that way
ESTJ, The Executive
Never give up their beliefs for something as simple as opposition
Def3end their ideas and principles relentlessly
Must be proven clearly and conclusively wrong to change their stance
ESTJ, The Executive
Loyal, Patient and Reliable Exemplify truthfulness and reliability Stability and security incredibly important to them Keeping their word is important Very responsible people
ESTJ, The Executive
Enjoy Creating Order
Chaos makes things unpredictable and unpredictable things can’t be trusted when they are needed
Strive to create order and security in their environments with established rules, structures, and clear roles
ESTJ, The Executive
Excellent Organizers
Commitment to truth and clear standards make for confident and capable leaders
No problem distributing tasks and responsibilities to others fairly and objectively
Make for excellent administrators
ESTJ, The Executives
Strong Practical Skills
Excellent managers of day to day tasks and routine maintenance
Enjoy caring for their loved ones
ESFJ, The Consul
Strong Sense of Duty
Strong sense of responsibility and strive to meet their obligations
Sense of social expectations is strong
ESFJ, The Consul
Incredibly Loyal Value stability and security highly Eager to preserve the status quo Loyal and trustworthy partners and employees True pillars of their groups
ESFJ, The Consul
Sensitive and Warm Seek harmony and care deeply about people's feelings Careful not to offend or hurt anybody Strong team players Win win situations make them smile
ESFJ, The Consul
Good at Connecting with Others
Social, comfortable and well liked
Strong need to be well liked and feel like they belong
No problem with small talk or social cues
ESFJ, The Consul
Optimistic and Energetic Up to their elbows in projects Cheerful and good natured Rarely stressed out Prefer to go with the flow
ISTP, The Virtuoso
Creative and Practical
Very imaginative with practical things like mechanics and crafts
Love using their hands to put them into action
ISTP, The Virtuoso
Spontaneous and Rational
Combine spontaneity with logic
Switch mindsets to fit new situations with little effort
Flexible and versatile individuals
ISTP, The Virtuoso
Know How to Prioritize
Store their spontaneity for a rainy day
Release their energy when it’s needed most
ISTP, The Vituoso
Great in a Crisis
Hands on creativity and spontaneity are naturals in crisis situations
Enjoy physical risks
Aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty
ISTP, The Virtuoso
Able to stay quite relaxed
Live in the moment and go with the flow
Refuse to worry about the future
ISTP, The Virtuoso
Relaxed and warm
Live and let live attitude makes them likable and popular
ISFP, The Adventurer
Sensitive to Others
Easily relate to others’ emotions
Establish harmoney and good will
Minimize conflict
ISFP, The Adventurer
Emotional sensitivity combines with creativity and insight to to build ideas that speak to people’s hearts
Vivid imagination and exploratory spirit help in unexpected ways
ISFP, The Adventurer
Quiet shyness protects an intensely sensitive heart
If something excites and interests them it can leave everything else in the dust
ISFP, The Adventurer
Need to see and explore for themselves
Bold artistic and humanistic vision can move research projects forward if the are given the freedom they need
ISFP, The Adventurer
Show their creativity in tangible ways
Create works of stunning beauty
Visualize things in a way that resonates with their audience
ISFP, The Adventurer
Full of life and energy
Greatest joy is pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas
ESTP, The Entrepreneur
Rational and Practical
Lovers of knowledge and philosophy, but not for their own sake
Like to find ideas that are actionable then putting them to use
Aren’t into arbitrary discussions, considered a waste of time
ESTP, The Entrepreneur
Combine boldness and practicality
Love to experiment with new ideas and solutions
Put things together in ways no one else would think to
ESTP, The Entrepreneur
Notice when things change and when they need to be changed
Small shifts in habits and apearances stick out
Use these observations to create connections with others
ESTP, The Entrepreneur
Doesn’t use perception for mind games
Prefer to comunicate clearly with direct and factual questions and answers
Things are what they are
ESTP, The Entrepreneur
Natural group leader
Have a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking oppourtunities
ESTP, The Entrepreneur
Aren’t known for holding back
Want to experience everything
Step outside of comfort zones easily
ESFP, The Entertainer
Traditions and expectations are secondary to Entertainers
Love to experiment with new styles and new ways to stick out in the crowd
ESFP, The Entertainer
Aesthetics and Showmanship
Inject artistic creativity into their words and actions
Every day is a performance
Loves to put on a show
ESFP, The Entertainer
World is meant to be felt and experienced
Truth is stranger than fiction
Prefer to see and do than to wax philosophical
ESFP, The Entertainer
Good at noticing real tangible things and changes
Focused on the here and now and doing and acting
ESFP, The Entertainer
Excellent People Skills
Love to pay attention to people
Talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss
Happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with the people they enjoy being with
ESFP, The Entertainer