Star Remnants, Milky Way, Cosmology Flashcards
What is a neutron star? How are they formed?
A neutron star is an incredibly dense sphere composed primarily of neutrons. During the core collapse of massive stars protons and electrons combine to form neutrons.
What is the maximum mass of a neutron star?
2-3 M
What are pulsars?
Fast spinning neutron stars.
Give two reasons why pulsars cannot be white dwarfs.
White dwarfs would be torn apart by such fast rotation.
Pulsars could be found in supernova explosion where no white dwarf can remain.
T or F. All neutron stars are pulsars.
What are X-ray bursters?
Equivalent to novae for neutron stars.
What are black holes?
Black holes are the remains of explosions from very massive stars where neither light or matter can escape its gravitational force. This happens when the remaining core is too big to form a neutron star.
T or F. A 5M black hole comes from a 5M star.
False. A much bigger star would be needed.
Why does no light escape from a black hole?
The escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.
What is the schwarzschild radius?
Is the radius of a sphere around black hole from within no light can escape.
What is event hoizon?
A space-time boundary around a black hole from within which nothing can escape.
What is singularity?
The centers of a black hole, where density, gravity and the curvature of space-time are infinite.
T or F. When a star becomes a black hole, its gravitational pull becomes stronger.
T or F. The larger a black hole the weaker the gravity near its Schwarzschild radius.
The singularity itself is further away the bigger the black hole.
What is gravitational lensing?
Light coming from behind the black hole will curve around the black hole, distorting our view of objects behind the black hole.
What is gravitational redshift?
From an observer point of view, matter falling into a black hole gets redder as it gets closer to the event horizon.
What is gravitational time dilation?
From an observer point of view, as an object gets closer to the event horizon of a black hole, time seems to slow down. So much that it will take an infinite amount of time to fall inside the black hole.
What are the two types of gamma ray burst?
Long duration: Collapse of very massive stars. Type 1c supernovae.
Short duration: Merging of neutron stars or black holes.
T or F. Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful events in the universe.
T or F. Gamma ray bursts are the most distant sources in the Universe that we have detected.
T or F. All GBR have detectable optical afterglows.
What are gravitational waves?
They cause the space-time continuum to stretch and squeeze.
How far away from the galactic center of the milky way is the sun?
8 kpc
What is the diameter of the milky way?
50 kpc
What is the distribution of young vs old stars in the milky way?
More young stars are in the spiral arms, old stars are evenly distributed.
How can we map the arms of the milky way?
Using radio observations we study how stars move around the galaxy. Because they are moving they will show Doppler shifts, so we can tell whether they are moving toward or away from us.
How many major arms does the Milky Way have?
What is the evidence for dark matter?
The orbital speed of stars and gas around the galactic center is nearly uniform throughout most of our Galaxy. If the Sun and stars obeyed Kepler’s third law, the orbital speed would be less for stars in larger orbits. As this does not happen there must be a large amount of mass in the galaxy that cannot be detected.