Standing up and sitting down Flashcards
Training guidelines: Standing up (STS)
> Pull your feet back: feet placed 10 cm behind the knees. To load the weaker leg, the foot of the stronger leg is placed in front of the other.
> Seat height adjusted to match lower limb strength.
> Flat seat with no arms or back rest.
> Start mvmt from a trunk vertical position.
> “Swing upper body forward, push down through the feet and stand up” to create horizontal momentum of body mass.
> Speed up if too slow.
> Focus eyes on an object at sitting eye height.
> Do 3 sets of max number of reps
Training guidelines: Sitting down (SIT)
> Place feet back near the seat: the foot of the weaker leg back further than the other foot to force limb loading through that leg and eccentric contraction of muscles (particularly quadriceps).
> Flexion at hips, knees flex, ankles dorsiflex to lower the body mass down and back to the seat.
> If necessary, assist the final lowering stage by steadying the knees as the person moves the hips back to the seat.
Gait Competency
> Walk at speeds fast enough to cross streets safely: at least 1.1-1.5 m/s
> Walk for a long enough time and far enough to accomplish daily tasks - about 500 m
> Turn the head while walking
> Use anticipatory strategies to avoid or accommodate obstacles
> React quickly enough to slips and trips and avoid a fall by stepping
> Negociate stairs, kerbs, ramps, moving footways, and carry objects