Standing Orders Flashcards
A fumigation notice is received by post at the Station, indicating a toxic substance is to be used. What are the notifications required as per Standing Orders?
State the safe working practices required, as stated in the Standing Orders, when attending an incident when it is known or suspected that premises are being or have just been fumigated or fogged?
As per Standing Orders, Detail the inspection schedules and procedures to be followed when conducting hydrant Inspections?
State the purpose of the station register as set out in the Standing Orders.
Standing Orders describe how to correct mistakes made in recording information in Fire and Rescue NSW books, such as occurrence books. State the requirements for correcting mistakes made in official records and books.
List the three relevant points regarding when keys to private premises are checked and how this is recorded, as detailed under the heading “Use of keys and resealing after use” as set out in the Standing Orders
Standing Orders outline the arrangements for full or part change of shift. State the provisions for ‘Eligibility’ and ‘Conditions’ required for a full or part change of shift.
State the ‘Record keeping’ required for a full or part change of shift as detailed in the Standing Orders.
State the actions listed in Standing Orders that deal with the failure of a firefighter to honour an agreement for a full or part change of shift?
Standing Orders include the topic ‘Reporting Absence from Duty’. List the procedures the Station Officer is to follow if a firefighter is absent without leave or absent from rollcall.
List the three relevant points regarding the use of keys to private premises when attending calls, as detailed under the heading “Use of keys and resealing after use” as set out in the Standing Orders?
Standing Orders include information regarding ‘Children’. State the accepted procedures for pre-school groups and groups of other school children visiting stations.
Outline how a Type 1 Debrief should be conducted as described in standing orders.
Standing Orders include information about ‘Incident Reports’ and the ‘Australasian Incident Reporting System’. State how AIRS data is used by the Fire and Rescue NSW.
Standing Orders include information about ‘Incident Reports’ and the ‘Australasian Incident Reporting system’. Who is responsible for completing and submitting the incident report?
Standing Orders include information about ‘Incident reports’ and the ‘Australasian Incident Reporting System’. State the requirements for submission of reports.
Standing Orders include information about ‘Incident notebooks’. State the purpose of the notebooks.
Standing Orders contain information about ‘Dental certificates’. When can a certificate issued by a dentist entitle a firefighter to sick leave?
List the documentation that must be submitted when a firefighter suffers an off-duty injury, which necessitates that member taking sick leave, as outlined in the Standing Orders.
State the general conditions for taking consolidated leave contained in the Standing Orders.
Standing Orders include information about the ‘Code of conduct’. State the Fire and Rescue NSW policy regarding the ‘Acceptance of gifts or benefits’.
List the conditions that apply to parking private vehicles / cycles on any Fire and Rescue NSW premises as detailed in the Standing Orders.
State the Fire and Rescue NSW procedure regarding maintaining an awareness of ‘Commissioners Orders’ in relation to firefighters, commanders and supervisors, as contained in the Standing Orders.
Standing Orders include the topic ‘Fire Permits’. According to Standing Orders who can issue a permit, who has to have a permit and how long does a permit last?
Standing Orders include the topic ‘Fire Permits’. According to Standing Orders what must be considered before issuing a permit?
State when emergency lights and audible warning devices are to be used as set out in the Standing Orders.
State the Fire and Rescue NSW policy for proceeding through traffic signals and stop signs when responding to emergency incidents the Standing Orders.
Standing Orders include the Fire and Rescue NSW policy on ‘Driving’. State the policy for wearing seatbelts.
Standing Orders include the Fire and Rescue NSW policy on ‘Driving’. State the provisions for driving appliances with partly full water tanks.
What procedures must be followed when a firefighters license is cancelled or disqualified as stated in Standing Orders?
What are the State Government’s procedures to be followed in respect to parking infringement notices issued to Fire and Rescue NSW vehicles as stated in the Standing Orders?
According to the Standing Orders, state the information that should be given to police in the event that a Fire and Rescue NSW vehicle is involved in an accident?
Standing Orders include the Fire and Rescue NSW instructions for the ‘Positioning of appliances’. State the guidelines for parking of Fire and Rescue NSW vehicles, using wheel chocks and parking on steep inclines.
Standing Orders include the Fire and Rescue NSW policy on ‘Annual Workplace Inspections’. State the aims of annual workplace inspections and when these should be conducted each year.
Standing Orders include the Fire and Rescue NSW policy on ‘Annual Workplace Inspections’. What actions can be taken at station level to remove hazards?
Standing Orders include information about ‘Hose and hose fittings’. State the factors that should be considered when assessing the viability of having hose repaired.
State the aims of the Fire and Rescue NSW Drug and Alcohol Policy as described in the Standing Orders.
List the procedures to be followed by Fire and Rescue NSW when responding to lockouts, as set out in Standing Orders.
What exemptions do retained firefighters have when responding in private vehicles to emergency incidents as detailed in the Standing Orders?
How much notice is required when applying for consolidated leave as set out in Standing Orders?
What information is to be given to the ‘injured party’ at an accident involving a Fire and Rescue NSW appliance as set out in Standing Orders?
What is the procedure for reversing a brigade appliance as contained in Standing Orders?
The standing orders identify The Memorandum of understanding between the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Rural Fire Service and provides a link to this documentation. As per this MOU, which officer will be the Incident Controller at a joint operation, involving structure fires, within a rural fire district?
The standing orders identify The Memorandum of understanding between the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Rural Fire Service and provides a link to this documentation. As per this MOU, who has operational jurisdiction for all fires except those identified as hazardous materials incidents, within a rural fire district?
The standing orders identify The Memorandum of understanding between the NSW Fire Brigades and the NSW Rural Fire Service and provides a link to this documentation. As per this MOU, who has the operational jurisdiction for all fire and related incidents in a Fire and Rescue NSW fire district?
When may the Critical Incident Support Team be activated as described in Standing Orders?
You are asked to describe the procedures for Ambulance officers and other members of emergency services in regards to wearing breathing apparatus. State your answer to this inquiry outlining the operational guidelines “Wearing of SCBA by untrained personnel” contained in the Standing Orders.
There will be times when responding to incidents where it is necessary for the appliance to traverse railway lines. State Brigade procedures when crossing railway lines and level crossings as detailed in the Standing Orders.
State the entitlement for fireground refreshments as set out in the Standing Orders.
State the hand signals in use as detailed in the Standing Orders.