Standards of Practice Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Standards of Practice
- Outline what is expected of every RMT in Ontario
- Informs other stakeholders of the expectations and requirements, including clients, employers, other healthcare professionals, educators, students, exam candidates
- help guide decision making when there is a complaint
Contravening or failing to maintain a SofP?
Professional misconduct under the CMTO
What is required to practice Acupuncture?
- RMT must have successfully completed a confirmed acupuncture education program (or have been grand parented in CMTO)
- have the required insurance
What are Sensitive Areas?
- upper/ inner thighs
- chest wall muscles
- breasts
- buttocks (gluteal muscles)
What is required for informed consent?
Must include a discussion with the client about the:
- nature of treatment
- the expected benefits
- risks and side effects
- alternative courses of action
- likely consequences of not receiving treatment
- the right to ask questions about the information provided and that assessment or treatment will be stopped or modified at any time at their request
What is required for discharge of care?
- Must work with the client and others, as required, to plan and implement discharge from care
- only discontinue care if the discharge process has been documented in the clients file and
- treatment is no longer needed
- client requests discontinuation
- alternate services are arranged
- the client is abusive or a threat
- the client is given reasonable opportunity to arrange alternative services
What is conflict of interest?
RMT must avoid:
- providing or receiving monetary or other benefit for referring a client to or from any other business (for example, a referral fee)
- recommending a product or service that the RMT has a personal or financial interest without first disclosing it and advising the client that they may obtain a suitable alternative product elsewhere (document discussion)
- sharing revenue, fees, or income with someone associated with their practice who is not a regulated health professional in Ontario, unless the RMT has a written agreement in place that ensures RMT is still held responsible
- renting premises to or from any person when rent is determined by number of client referrals to the landlord
What is required for a person to consent
- Must be capable
- Must be voluntary and not obtained through misrepresentation or fraud
How long do you have to document consent conversations?
24 hours
What is required for draping?
- always drape the client (unless client wants to be clothed)
- engage in a discussion about draping/ how to position themselves
- explain what areas will be treated
- protect client from exposure of genital area and gluteal cleft
- never reach under the draping or clothing
- drape using material that provides an effective visual barrier
- drape to prevent visual exposure of any areas that are not being treated
Fees must be..
- communicated prior to providing services
- be itemized on a receipt, if requested
- be posted in a visible location
- not differ from the posted fee without noting the rationale and difference in the clients health record, and without prior acceptance by the patient
- not be excessive
- not be reduced for prompt payment
What must receipts include?
- date of appointment
- name of client
- name of RMT
- amount of transaction
- signature and registration number of RMT
- HST number if applicable
What would a receipt for a gift certificate look like?
When a gift certificate is redeemed, the receipt would say “gift certificate redeemed” with no dollar amount given
What percentage of alcohol must a hand rub be?
70% alcohol
When can you treat sensitive areas?
- Treatment is clinically indicated
- RMT obtains written informed consent
- RMT discussed draping prior to treatment and drapes effectively
What does the Regulated Health Professionals Act cover?
Covers the following:
- Prohibitions (controlled acts such as treatment when there is risk of harm, restriction of the term Doctor, or prescribing drugs)
- misc items like exception of aboriginal healers and midwives
- names the professions and colleges covered by the act
- includes provisions for sexual abuse, complaints, discipline, incapacity, appeals, investigation..
What does the RHPA say is a controlled act?
Potentially hazardous health care activities which ought to be performed only by a health care professional that is properly trained and accountable for their actions
Examples of Controlled Acts under the RHPA?
- Diagnosis
- procedures below the dermis, mucous membrane, in or below the cornea, in or below the teeth (including scaling of teeth)
- setting or casting a bone or joint dislocation
- moving the joints of the spine beyond the individuals usual physiological range using fast, high amplitude thrust
- administering a substance through injection or inhalation
- putting an instrument or finger: beyond the external ear canal or beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow, beyond the larynx, beyond the opening of the urethra, beyond the labia majora, beyond the anal verge, into an artificial opening
- prescribing drugs, vision devises, hearing aids
- fitting dental prosthesis
- managing labor or delivering a baby
- allergy testing
Advertisements must have the following…
- General info about the practice (location, accessibility, hours of operation, address, telephone #)
- identification of the educational qualifications of the staff
- information on the types of services available
Advertisements may NOT contain..
- a testimonial by a client, former client, friend or relative of a client
- claims or guarantees about treatment that cannot be verified
- an endorsement of a product or line of products
- anything that is false or misleading
- any sexual innuendo or language that is sexual
- any statements that discriminate under the basis of protected status
- any wording that would imply that staff are members of the college when they are not
Example of an ad
Name of Clinic Name of Massage Therapist Indication of College membership services offered Clinic phone # hours of operation Wheelchair accessibility Free parking available Clinic Address