Standards 2 Flashcards
(SCHOOL) Minimum % of purchases by cost for total combined food and beverages under MR credit Purchasing-Ongoing
(School) Points under EA credit Existing Building Commissioning - Analysis
2 points
EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance receives of 92 using Energy Star Portfolio Manager. How many points will the project earn under EA Credit Optimize performance?
ENERGY STAR rating of 93
Measure outdoor airflow rate for each ventilation system.
EQ Prerequisite: Minimum IAQ Performance
ASHRAE Standard 111-2008
Minimum % ongoing waste to be diverted from landfill to maintain a high-performing solid waste mgmnt program
Minimum % reduction Exemplary Performance Metered Water Use
Minimum amount products purchased Credit Green Cleaning - Products and Materials?
At least 75% by cost, of the total purchases
Mixed - Mode ventilation EQ Prerequisite Minimum IAQ
ASHRAE 62.1 - 2010
Ongoing consumables % under MR credit Purchasing- Ongoing
60% of total purchases (by cost) during performance period
Percentage of ongoing consumable goods must a project recycle to earn exemplary performance under MR Credit: Solid Waste Management -Ongoing
Rainwater management maximum number of point (school)
2 points
Reduce Particulates in Air Distribution
ASHRAE 52.2 - 2007
Referenced Standards related to SS credit Heat Island Reduction
- ASTM Standards E903 and E892
- Cool Roof Rating Council Standard
To purchased green power through Carbon Offsets Certification Standard to qualify as OFF-SITE renewable sources of energy
Green -e Climate certified
Under what conditions should a project team conduct an economic feasibility analysis when CFC based refrigerant are present in HVAC system?
A CFC phase out planned and scheduled to begin within 5 years
WE Credit Cooling towers Water Use. Minimum number of cooling tower cycles, what minimum percentage requirement for recycled non-potable water use in order to earn 3 points for a school project?
20 %
WE Outdoor Water Use Reduction Credit Option 3 Irrigation Meter Installed able to to demostrate 50% reduction in outdoor water use over the most 12 months compared w/ the established baseline. How many points to earn
_What amount of space needs to be audited for achivement of IEQ Credit Green Cleaning_Custodial Effectiveness Assessment?_
10 % of each of the rooms in each space category