Standard Precautions Flashcards
What are Standard Precautions?
Treating every patient and every sample as if it was infectious. (prevent the spread of disease)
Define Asepsis
sterile, condition free from germs, infections, and any form of life.
Why were Standard precautions designed, by which agency, and when?
Standard precautions were designed to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms from both recognized and unrecognized sources of infections, CDC 1994
Define Biohazard
Dangerous to living persons, material that is potentially contaminated with microorganisms.
Define Carrier
Person who harbors microorganism without showing any sign of the disease
Define Fomites
Inanimate objects or materials such as bedding clothing or bed pans upon which disease-producing agencies can spread.
Define Nosocomial infection
Infection or disease not carried by patient, but that originated from within the hospital environment