Standard Cartilage Flashcards
Eustachian tube Superior
TP:Post, sup aspect of zygomatic process of temporal bone.
TX:Distract and rotate ear in a superior arc
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Eustachian tube Inferior
TP:Post, inf. aspect of zygomatic process of temporal bone.
TX: Compress and rotate ear in a post arc
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
TP: Inf-med surface of zygomatic arch, 1 finger width ant. to mandibular condyle. A: inf to sup
TX: Pt. open mouth slightly, deviate jaw AWAY
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
TP:Inf-med surface of zygomatic arch, 1 finger post. to mandibular condyle. A: inf to sup.
TX: Pt. open jaw slightly, deviate TO
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Superior Trachea/Larynx Cartilage
TP: Sup-lat aspect of hyoid bone, 1 cm med to lateral edge) A: sup to inf
TX: Cerv flex, Rot away with compression through ant head
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Inferior Trachea/Larynx Cartilage
TP: Inf-lat aspect of hyoid bone, 1 cm med to lateral edge. A: inf to sup
TX: Cerv flex, Rot away with compression post. head
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
TP: Center of manubriosternal joint.
A: a to p
TX: Shoulder horizontal adduction with lower trunk rot opposite
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
TP: Center of xiphisternal joint. A: a to p
TX: Lower trunk opposite of TP
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Sternoclavicular Joint Disc
TP: Sup. aspect of Rib1 ant, 1-2 cm lat to costo-sternal joint. A: sup to inf
TX: Shoulder IR with scap abd/protraction. Fine tune with elevation/depression of scapula
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Sternoclavicular joint disc superior
TP: Ant aspect of medial 1/4 of clavicle
TX: Shoulder ER with scapular add/retraction. Fine tune with scapular elevation/depression
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Acromioclavicular Joint Disc Anterior
TP: Inf. surface of ant. border of acromion, 1-2 cm lateral to distal end of clavicle
TX: Clockwise/counter clockwise glide of clavicle and scapular spine
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Acromioclavicular Joint Disc Posterior
TP: Inf. surface of post. boarder of acromion
TX: Clockwise/counter clockwise glide of clavicle and scapular spine
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Shoulder labrum Posterior
TP: Post Gleno-humeral jt. line
TX: Glide ant GH labrum post/inf with rotary motion (down in front)
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
TP: Ant. gleno-humeral jt. line.
TX: Glide post GH labrum ant/sup using rotary motion (stand up to see in the back)
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a
Ulna/wrist Articular disc Posterior
TP: Distal end of ulna, post/lat aspect. A: distal to proximal
TX: Wrist flexion ulnar/carpal supination
Scan: In Standard LV row A: p to a