Stalin Gov & Party Flashcards
Key Changes
Established an ideological orthodoxy.
Destroyed authority of other main contenders.
Changed nature of Party membership.
Created patronage system.
Leadership in the Soviet Union
Politburo = most powerful part of government.
Majority Politburo vote = winner of Party Congress votes, which elected the Central Committee which elected the Politburo.
Leadership was a battle for support within Party, not USSR.
Communist Party, 1928
Leadership struggle made Party more centralised & disciplined as contenders tried to gain power.
Ideological Orthodoxy
Lenin’s gov had been pluralistic.
Stalin discredited other ideas - Trotskyite.
Communist Party committed to Socialism in one country, and Collectivisation & Industrialisation.
Authority at the Top of the Party
Stalin destroyed authority of opponents.
New ideological orthodoxy, branding opponents enemies of Leninism.
Accused Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev of plotting against Party and forming a faction - Lenin had banned factions in 1921.
Politburo met 9 times a year in 1930s.
1930, met 9 times a year.
1952, renamed Presidium.
7 to 36 members = increase rivalry + prevent plots against Stalin.
Diluted power through rivalry.
Party Membership
Increased Party membership
1924, Lenin Enrollment. May, 130k people joined the Communist Party, poorly educated yes-men.
Supported Stalin, could promote them.
New recruits interested in careers > goals of revolution.
Stalin’s Patronage System
1921-28, Party democracy weakened.
Got loyalists + followers to high positions in gov (Party Congress) through role as General Secretary + head of Central Control Commission.
Power to fire, hire, and promote.
Access to 126k reports.
Nature of the Party Changed, 1920s
Party members implemented orders from Poltiburo, didn’t think about politics.
Party became privileged. Bureaucratic Elite. Nomenklatura.
Purges, 1930s
Stalin insecure he would lose power.
Launched Great Terror (1934-38) to remove opponents.
Removed Old Bolsheviks, new gen of CP officials.
Causes of the Purges
Economic Problems
The Congress of Victors
Kirov’s murder
Opposition from the Politburo.
1932, Kirov defended Ryutin, who circulated a highly critical document of Stalin’s policies.
Stalin wanted Kirov executed, but had Politburo support, sent to prison instead.
Kirov’s growing authority within Party challenged Stalin.
Economic Problems
Senior government officials aware economic policy failures, undermining his authority.
Stalin blamed workers and managers, didn’t accept responsibility.
Sent to gulags.
Congress of Victors
02/1934, Stalin lost to Kirov (1225) in secret vote at end of Congress electing new Central Committee.
Kirov urged to stand against Stalin as General Secretary, Kirov refused.
Kirov’s Murder
12/1934, Kirov murdered.
Historians speculate Stalin ordered attack, but no there is no proof.
Remove Stalin’s main rival.
Gave Stalin a reason to arrest his rivals and launch a mass terror campaign, threat of conspiracy against Party + government.
The Great Terror
Started in Leningrad, 12/1934.
After Kirov’s murder, Stalin arrested Zinoviev and Kamenev & organised investigation into Communist Party in Leningrad.
Show Trials
Trial of the 16, 1936, execution of Zinoviev, Kamenev and 14 of their supporters.
Trial of the 17, 1937, execution and imprisonment of 17 of Trotsky’s former supporters.
Trial of the 21, 1938, execution of Bukharin and many of his supporters.
Secret Trials
Trial of Red Army’s leaders.
1937, 8 senior generals (worked with Trotsky) tried for plotting to overthrow government. All were executed.
More than 37k officers purged from army.
Consequences of Terror
Removed all Party members with authority.
Emerged a new generation of Communist Party leaders who owed their positions to Stalin - loyal.
Stalin could use terror against anyone who was disloyal.
NKVD became a powerful within regime. Beria.
Party and State’s Relationship
Stalin dominated party and state.
Lenin failed to define relationship between Communist Party and Soviet State.
Ended mass terror, allowing state power to grow so state ministers could make important decisions.
Politburo co-ordinated state and party activity.
State Defence Committee (GKO) responsible for economic co-ordination and military production.
Competition Between Party and State
Encouraged competition between Party and State so they had no time to compete with Stalin.
Appointed rival personnel to key positions in Party & State.
Placed A. Zhdanov (Beria’s key rival) in charge of Party supervision of Beri’s NKVD.
Shifted power from Party to State then back again. 1938, Politburo –> 1942, GKO –> after war, Council of Ministers.
By shifting centre of power within government, ensured no senior committee grew to rival him.
Party and state had very limited authority.
Post-War Terror
Continued use of terror, but not to same extent as 1930s.
Purged hundreds of Party + state officials and inspired fear in thousands more.
The Leningrad Affair
100 officials killed, 2k arrested.
Beria encouraged Stalin to purge Leningrad because it contained a group of senior officials, rivals to Stalin.