Brezhnev Economy Flashcards
Import grain from West - more cost effective than expanding VLS or collectives.
Focus on SOL & light industry.
Tolerated 2nd economy for access to consumer goods.
Stalin’s command economy.
Reformation Under Brezhnev
Khrushchev discredited reformation, many of his reforms reversed by Brezhnev.
Party reunited.
Re-established Soviet ministries, abolishing Sovnarkhoz.
Scrapped 7YPlan for 5YPlan.
Kosygin Reforms (1966).
Kosygin Reforms
1966, 8th 5YPlan by PM Kosygin.
Aimed to improve productivity + efficiency.
Built on Liberman’s idea.
Factory success judged by profits.
People who implemented it were not enthusiastic.
Sabotaged by Brezhnev.
Kosygin side-lined and power watered down.
Stopped in 1968.
8th, 1966-70, aimed to increase car production by 53%, previously trucks/buses. Light industry.
9th, 1971-75, focus on consumer goods. 1980, 85% of families had tele, 70% had washing machines.
Economic Performance
1970s, rise in SOL. Halted in early 1980s, stagnation.
Exploited high international oil prices to fund SOL + imports. Production increased from 243m (1965) to 603m (1980).
National income rose by 50%, consumption per capita by 70%. 3/4 of improvement in 1st half, massively slowed down in 2nd half.
After 1973, growth rates fell below W. Europe.
Evidence of Economic Decline
1980s, economic growth almost halted.
Increase in volume of goods but many unusable/broke weeks after production.
Quantity > Quality.
Reason for Economic Decline
Central planning system inflexible, focusing on growth & industrialisation.
Didn’t encourage initiative, incentives + creativity.
Entrenched bureaucracy resulted in shortages + inefficiencies.
Lack of investment, outdated machinery.
30% GDP spent on military. Absorbed 18% of resources + employed 30m people.
26% GDP spent on agriculture.
Factors of Concern Over Economic Growth Figures
Nature of Economy
Lack of Reform
Cold War
Oil Buffer
Concern Over Stats
50%-60% of increase revenue of goods (1976-80) was due to price inflation, not an increase in output.
1980, spent more on defence despite being 1/3 of the economy.
Reason for Intensive > Extensive Growth
Command economy focus on extensive growth > intensive growth.
Kosygin predicted 85% increase in net material product by 9th 5YP if intensive growth prioritized.
Storming caused by incentives (bonuses) of fulfilling plan targets.
Rapidly aging economic infrastructure.
Running equipment round-the-clock in run-up to the end of the planning period to ensure plan fulfillment.
Rise in costs, reducing quality, damaging equipment, = reduce efficiency.
Extensive Growth
Building new FOP (factories, mines, workshops).
Factor mobilisation
Intensive Growth
Improving efficiency of existing FOP.
Relied on good info which central planning agencies lacked.
Rapidly Aging Economic Infrastructure.
1980s, much industrial capital out of date/worn.
Proof for Lack of Reform
1964, reformation ceased (Kosygin reforms in 1968). LR low productivity + inefficiency not addressed.
1973, industrial complexes joined with research institutions - “alliance of the working class and science”, Brezhnev.
1974, focussed on cost + profit > output. Price set by gov disregarded supply/demand - ineffective.
Cold War
Increase military investment, wanting to achieve nuclear missile parity (1970).
SOL and economy neglected.
Military spending increased from 11% (1964) to 13% (1970).
Evidence of a Rise in SOL
1965-70, consumption of meat per capita rose 40.5%.
1965, 11% households had a fridge, rose to 86% in 1980.