Stages of Growth and Development Flashcards
birth to 28 days
Behavior largely reflexive
Develops to more purposeful behavior
1 mo to 1 year
Physical growth rapid
1-3 years
Motor development permits increased physical autonomy
Psychosocial skills increase
3-6 years
World is expanding
New experiences and social role tried during play
Physical growth slows
School Age
6-12 years
Includes pre-adolescent period (10-12 years)
Peer group increasingly influences behavior
Physical, cognitive, social development increase
Communication skills improve
12-20 years
Self-concept changes with biologic development
Values tested
Physical growth accelerates
Stress increases, especially in face of conflicts
Young Adulthood
20-40 years
A personal lifestyle develops
Establishes a relationship with significant other and a commitment to something.
Middle Adulthood
40-65 years
Lifestyle changes due to other changes
Ex. : Children leave home, occupational goals change
Older Adulthood
65-74 years
Adaptation to retirement and changing abilities (physical) often necessary
Chronic illness may develop
Adapts to decline in speed of movement, reaction time, and increasing dependence on others may be necessary
85 and over
Increasing physical problems may develop