Stage 29 Flashcards
- sometime, sometimes
2. finally
alius… alius
one… another
amplexus, amplexa, amplexum
- having surrounded, encircled, entwined
- having embraced, clasped, grasped
- esteemed
- cherished
audācia, audāciae, f.
- boldness, audacity
carmen, carminis, n.
- song
- poem
- play
- charm
- prayer
- incantation
- ritual
- magic
circumveniō, circumvenīre, circumvēnī, circumventum
- I surround.
- I beset, oppress, distress, overthrow.
- I circumvent, deceive, cheat, trick.
corōna, corōnae, f.
- A garland, chaplet or wreath; presented to athletes, the gods, or the dead.
- A crown
cursus, cursūs, m.
- course, flight
2. (figuratively) Course, progress, direction, development, succession, passage; career.
dēfessus, dēfessa, dēfessum
- exhausted, tired out
dolor, dolōris, m.
- pain, ache, hurt
- anguish, grief, sorrow
- indignation, resentment, anger
ferrum, ferrī, n.
- iron
- Any tool made of iron.
- sword
incēdō, incēdere, incessī, incessum
- I march, stride (along)
- I advance (move forwards)
- I cause (make happen)
līberī, līberōrum, m. (pl. tant.)
- children
2. freemen
lūx, lūcis, f.
- light, daylight
mālō, mālle, māluī (irregular; no passive)
- I prefer, want more or instead
obscūrus, obscūra, obscūrum
- dark, gloomy, dusky, shadowy
- indistinct, unintelligible, obscure
- intricate, involved, complicated
- unknown, unrecognized
- (of character) reserved, secret, close
ōdī, ōdisse, ōsum, (defective)
- I hate
perficiō, perficere, perfēcī, perfectum
- I achieve, execute, carry out, accomplish, perform, despatch, finish, complete; establish; perfect.
- (by extension) I bring about, cause, effect.
populus, populī, m.
- people
2. nation
- earlier, previously
quiēs, quiētis, f.
- rest, repose, quiet
redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductum
- I lead, draw, bring or conduct back; bring or accompany home.
- (military, of troops) I withdraw, cause to retreat, draw off, remove.
- (figuratively) I bring back, restore, recall, revive, replace; reform.
- (figuratively) I bring, produce or get out a quantity of.
- (figuratively) I bring, make or reduce to a certain condition or quality.
salūs, salūtis, f.
- safety; security
- health, well-being, welfare
- salvation, deliverance
- greeting, salutation
scelus, sceleris, n.
- crime
serviō, servīre, servīvī, servītum
- I am a slave (to); I serve.
2. I am devoted to, subject to.
sors, sortis, f.
- lot, fate
2. oracular response
spernō, spernere, sprēvī, sprētus
- I sever, separate, remove
2. I despise, reject, scorn, spurn
undique (not comparable)
- from/on all sides; from every direction
- all over; in every place
- utterly, completely
- from every point of view, in all respects
vester, vestra, vestrum
- (possessive) your, yours, of you
vīvus, vīva, vīvum
- alive, living
2. (of inanimate things) having properties like a living thing, e.g. moving, fresh, uncut
iūdaeus, iūdaea, iūdaeum
- Jewish/Judean, of or pertaining to the Jewish people.
2. (substantive) A Jewish/Judean (person)
superstes, superstitis, m.f.
- survivor
rebellō, rebellāre, rebellāvi, rebellātūm
- (intransitive) I renew war, I wage war again.
2. (intransitive) I rebel, revolt
lūgeō, lūgēre, lūxī, lūctum
- I mourn, grieve, lament
alterus (-a, -um)… alterus (-a, -um)
- one… the other
…annōs nāta
- …years old
ūnā cum
- together with
nātū maximus
- eldest
avia, aviae, f.
- grandmother
opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressum
- I press down upon; I suppress.
- I take by surprise.
- I overwhelm, oppress
indulgeō, indulgēre, indulsī, indultum
- (intransitive) I am kind or courteous (to); I am inclined (to); give free rein (to).
- (intransitive) I give myself up (to); I am addicted (to), indulge (in).
- (transitive) I concede, allow, grant, permit, bestow.
- I favor
adversus, adversa, adversum
- set opposite, adverse, having been set against.
2. turned toward, having been turned toward.
abhinc (not comparable)
- since, ago
2. hence, henceforth, hereafter
abhorreō, abhorrēre, abhorruī (no passive)
- I abhor, shudder at, recoil or shrink back from.
- I am averse or disinclined to.
- I am free from.
- (by extension) I am inconsistent or do not agree with, vary or differ from.
exemplum, exemplī, n.
- example
2. sample
imitātus, imitāta, imitātum
- having represented
2. having imitated
obstinātiō, obstinātiōnis, f.
- firmness, resolution, steadfastness, determination
2. inflexibility, stubbornness, obstinacy
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectum
- I affect
crās (not comparable)
- tomorrow
Ierosolyma, Ierosolymae, f.
- Jerusalem
expugnō, expugnāre, expugnāvī, expugnātum
- I assault, storm, take by storm
- I capture, take, conquer.
- I subdue, overcome, reduce.
- I break down or through; sweep through.
- I overcome, persuade, convince.
- I extort, wring out, obtain by extortion.
- I accomplish, achieve.
- I plunder, pillage, sack.
ubīque (not comparable)
- everywhere
circiter (+ Accusative)
- about
dux, ducis, m.
- leader
- commander
- prince, ruler
rūpēs, rūpis, f.
- rock, crag, cliff
lacus, lacūs, m.
- a lake, pond, basin; reservoir
2. a tank, tub, vat, sink
mūnītiō, mūnītiōnis, f.
- a defending, fortifying, protecting
- defense, fortification, rampart
- a repairing of roads
- (figuratively) a support for a cause
validus, valida, validum
- strong
- healthy, well
- worthy
- valid
castellum, castellī, n.
- castle, fort
ūsque (not comparable)
- all the way
2. continuously, without a break
ignis, ignis, m.
- fire
sōlācium, sōlāciī, n.
- comfort, relief, solace
- soothing, assuaging
- (law) compensation, indemnification