Stage 28 Flashcards
ac, atque
- and
arrogantia, arrogantiae, f.
- An assuming, presumption; arrogance, gall, conceitedness.
- Pride, haughtiness, insolence.
- Obstinacy, stubbornness.
augeō, augēre, auxī, auctum
- I increase, augment.
- I enlarge, spread.
- I lengthen.
- I exaggerate.
- I honor, enrich.
- (figuratively) I exalt, praise.
beneficium, beneficiī, n.
- benefit
- favor
- act of kindness
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum
- I set up, establish.
2. (with infinitive) I decide, resolve.
corpus, corporis, n.
- Body, substance, material.
- The flesh of an animal’s body.
- A lifeless body, corpse
- The trunk or shaft of something.
- A frame, body, system, structure, community, corporation.
- (figuratively) The wood under the bark of a tree.
- (Medieval) a collection of writings by a single author or addressing a certain topic
dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, dīlēctum
- I esteem, love, have regard for.
2. be fond of
doleō, dolēre, doluī, dolitum
- I feel physical pain, hurt, suffer.
2. I feel mental pain; grieve for, lament, deplore.
gemitus, gemitūs, m.
- groan, sigh, lamentation
- pain, sorrow
- roaring
hērēs, hērēdis, m.f.
- heir, heiress
īra, īrae, f.
- ire, anger, wrath
lingua, linguae, f.
- (anatomy) tongue
- A speech
- An utterance or expression
- A language
- A dialect, idiom or mode of speech
- poetically of animals: voice, note, song, bark etc.
- A plant (alternatively called lingulaca)
- The reed of the Roman tibiae
- A small amount of sth., e.g. “a tongue of land” or “a spoonful”
- The short arm of a lever
malus, mala, malum
- bad, evil, wicked, injurious
- Malus et nequam homo.
- A evil and wicked man.
- Malam opinionem habere de aliquo.
- To have a bad opinion of someone.
- Consuetudo mala.
- A bad habit.
- destructive, mischievous, hurtful
- ill-looking, ugly, deformed
- (of fate) evil, unlucky
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātum
- I put in hand; deliver over.
- I commit, consign.
- I confide.
- I commission.
- I put in writing.
- I order, command.
- I entrust.
metus, metūs, m.
- fear, dread
2. anxiety
mīlle c., mīlia n.
- (cardinal) thousand; 1000
multō (not comparable)
- by much, by far
2. a great deal, a lot of
occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsum
- I fell, cut to the ground; beat, smash, crush.
- I cut off, kill, slay, slaughter.
- (by extension) I plague to death, torture, torment, pester.
- (by extension) I ruin, undo, bring about the ruin of.
ops, opis, f.
- (singular) power to help
2. (plural [opēs, opum]) resources, wealth
pallidus, pallida, pallidum
- pale, pallid
- that makes or causes a pale condition
- (by extension) musty, moldy
- (figuratively) frightened, pale with fright
praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectum
- I place in command., put in charge
quisquam, quidquam/quicquam
- anyone, anything
sīc (not comparable)
- thus, in this way
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtum
- I loosen, untie, undo, free up
2. I solve
spēs, speī, f.
- hope
suspicātus, suspicāta, suspicātum
- having suspected
testāmentum, testāmentī, n.
- will, testament
ut (followed by the indicative)
- as, just as
ventus, ventī, m.
- wind